News - Mors Vs Fjx Imperium Which Is Better Warzone 2

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This is the sniper that's new to Modern Warfare 3 season 3, and this is the intervention, also known as the FJX Imperium, that's carried over from Modern Warfare 2, and today we're going to be finding out which gun is better in Modern Warfare 3. So, you know, we've got the MOs. Everyone knows it is a brand new sniper.

I've got Interstellar on it in the last versus article; we compared it to the XRK, stalker. Both guns are kind of similar in damage, you know, aim walking movement speed, aim stability, and all that stuff. I came to the conclusion that the MOs do feel better than the stalkers. The stalker is a little bit less awkward because of how the MOS fire rate works, but I feel like the MOS is just a better sniper to use.

But in today's article, we're going to be comparing the Moos to the FJX. This is the intervention from OG Modern Warfare 2, so yeah, we're going to be using both of these snipers in today's article, and we're going to find out which one is better in Modern Warfare 3. And as always, guys, if you are new around here, be sure to like and subscribe for more.

modern warfare 3 fjx imperium best class setup

Here's my Moos class. If you wanted to, you could put on the best barrel for ad speed, but it makes the Flinch horrendous. Bad isn't as bad on this gun as it is on the intervention. But it's not really something you want to do; make worse on snipers. If you want to take the risk, you can do it.

You obviously have the best. Barrel-fonic charge Barrel is better for ad speed, but it's the charge. Barrel, it just isn't good, so don't bother using it. You got a quick bolt. You can take off the rear grip or the stock if you want a different optic, but apart from that, that's pretty much it.

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It obviously uses the mag holster, which actually makes the fire rate faster because of the rechambering. But yeah, those are the perks I use for MS. Here's my intervention, class. This is the standard intervention class. I don't like the scope on this thing; it's a bit too far zoomed in, so I'm using the SPX.

You could use any of the good sniper scopes that are from Modern Warfare 3 or Modern Warfare 2, whichever one you feel is the best, and, you know, if you wanted to, you could take off the optic or the carry handle for a magazine, but yeah, apart from that, that's pretty much the intervention class again.

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These are the perks I always use, and yeah, guys enjoy them. Video, I don't know if I played Terminal yet with this gun. Who thought in 2024 we'd be playing a game called Warfare 3 on Terminal with more snipers from Advanced? Purple, what do you guys think of the MOs now that it's been out for pretty much 2 weeks?

I'm loving this gun, but I still think it's such a sick sniper to bring. Back, yeah, we're comparing this to the intervention today known as the FGX Imperium from Modern Warfare. This one's a bit different from the stalker's because, obviously, the intervention works differently from the stalker; both guns obviously have different fire rates.

modern warfare 3 fjx imperium sniping gameplay

Obviously, you've got ads, speed handling, magazine size, and all that stuff. Take that into consideration. Do not die here. Man, so obviously, like I said in the last versus article, the most unique thing about this gun and the biggest advantage it has over the other snipers is the reloading. This thing reloads one bullet at a time, so the reload is basically the rechamber at the same time, which means, in case you guys somehow haven't noticed, you basically get infinite ammo with this thing.

I've got 18 bullets in the reserves right now; that's basically how big the magazine is. Sniper adsb and fire rate are the two most important things to look out for in securing reloading. As you can see with this, Ms. Fire Rate, it's not quite as fast as the stalker. You can shoot him by shooting his gun.

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I've been getting some hit markers with this thing; that's a massive thing about this, as well as an almost guaranteed one-shot kill on this gun. It's probably the most consistent one-shot kill sniper in the game, not including the cat AMR. When you take into consideration how slow the cat is, it's insane how this thing is pretty much the same as it is with the damage.

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I don't even know why I'm talking about the cat. I'm comparing this to the cat at some point down the line, but damage-wise, this thing's miles above that. Intervention: the fire rate is a bit of a tricky one. I'm going to talk about it more in the next game, but I do think it's somewhat similar between the two too.

I know people called it lazy at the end of Modern Warfare 2's life cycle. There were like 60 guns or something like that; maybe 70 or 80 guns. I can't remember, and that's like a fair amount because you get two or three DLC weapons, for a season at least, on top of the 50 that were there at launch.

The enemy has something I couldn't see; he was blinding in with a trash bag there. Belongs; well, I guess it's where I belong. Yeah, people were saying it was lazy before this game even came out. You know how reactionary you have to be to say that this game had 37 or 36 guns or weapons at launch.

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You know, in Modern Warfare, 3 people thought that wasn't a large amount; that's a standard amount between 30 and 40 guns, which is the average amount of guns you get in a card. La, so I was not really saying much that this game only had like 37 guns compared to the 60 or 70 guns from one of Warfare 2, and you know that's including all of the DLC guns from six seasons of Content Man, like three or four guns a season in six seasons.

Yeah, what I'm trying to say is that I'm just glad they actually did this carry-forward thing with the guns because we have so much more variety, because if we didn't have this, we'd have a lot fewer guns, but we'd still have a variety. Now, but not a large variety, Five new guns, and then you get 12 sniper rifles in a Call of Duty game.

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You know how insane that is to say this ain't Cod online or Cod mobile. I know the matchmaking is bad, but people that like get Bor of this game this early on every year and people like the Treyarch fanys all saying we can't win for Black Ops go war in Trey we trust or Trey's going to save us. I'm not doubting Trey's ability to produce a good card, but I think people are going to look back on this game a year from now and say yeah.

modern warfare 3 mors best class setup

Trea game may have had this and that, but we really took this game for. Granted, but yeah, enough of the rant again. Which of these two guns is better? The Mors are the intervention. I think whether or not I have this scope, I think the ad speed of the Mors is better regardless. I got killed with a stone.

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