News - Modern Warfare 3 Beta Vs Warzone 2 - Direct Comparison

live from my basement

Over the last two weeks, we've had plenty of time to enjoy the Modern Warfare 3 beta. Don't worry, it's the new one, which reminds me of back in 2009 when the original Modern Warfare 2 was released, and two years later it was followed by Modern Warfare 3, and some people complain that some things are just too similar.

So yeah, guys, with this article. I'm going to be showing a direct comparison of the small details I noticed with my time playing the Modern Warfare 3 beta, directly comparing it to what came before, which was Modern Warfare 2, showing you how things have changed for better or for worse. But guys. But guys, it's time to dive into the comparison.

I started out in Modern Warfare 2 shooting different objects in the environment just to see how they would react. For example, in Modern Warfare 2, when you shoot this TV, there's an explosion with lots of sparks to create the effect. While in the Modern Warfare 3 beta, when I tried the same thing, the bullets just left a broken glass decal effect on the screen, and it didn't actually destroy the TV at all.

modern warfare 3 beta vs modern warfare 2 - direct comparison

I found in Modern Warfare 3 that a lot of the objects are a lot more tied down when compared to, say, these monitors in Modern Warfare 2. I compared this with other objects in the environment, like clocks. In Modern Warfare 2, when I shoot this clock, it falls to the floor, and there's different bullet decals depending on where on the clock.

I effect, though some things have changed in Modern Warfare 3's favor. whereas in Modern Warfare 2, when you're walking through small puddles of water, you don't actually see the water splash unless you're actually running through the water, whereas in Modern Warfare 3, it doesn't matter what speed you walk through the water; you'll still see the water splash at your feet.

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I also tested some of the environmental effects, whereas in Modern Warfare 2, when you throw a grenade near a tree, the blast will actually move the branches on the tree. This is more noticeable when you use a bigger explosive like C4, but when I tested this in Modern Warfare 3's beta, the tree branches didn't react at all to it.

modern warfare 3 direct comparison

Explosion i also noticed in the MW3 beta that bullet decal effects placed on fallen enemies are a lot less accurate in Modern Warfare 3. A lot of times you'll shoot an enemy and it won't leave a decal at all, whereas in Modern Warfare 2. I feel like the bullet decal effects are more accurately placed where the bullets are actually impacting.

I also compared the frag grenades between the two games, whereas in Modern Warfare 2, you can actually see the arc of the grenade before you actually throw it, and when the grenade actually explodes, the blast marks that it leaves on the ground allow you to actually see the point of detonation at the center of the blast, whereas in Modern Warfare 3, the visual arc of the grenade is removed entirely and the blast marks left on the ground are a bit more random, with the point of the detonation at the center being a little bit harder to notice.

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I also tested the fragment grenades in water, whereas in Modern Warfare 2, there's a cool effect where the grenade sinks beneath the surface, explodes, and then disrupts the surface. Air. And now this last comparison is actually something that mildly irritates me because, as you can see right here in Modern Warfare 2.

modern warfare 3 vs modern warfare 2

I'm about to get a UAV and listen to what my character says, requesting to fly, and now here's the same situation for Modern Warfare 3, and notice how they didn't change the dialogue but instead just reuse the audio file. So my biggest concern about Modern Warfare 3, as I implied at the beginning of the article, is that Modern Warfare 2 just came out last year.

You know, for our $70, we want this game to feel new and fresh, not like a $70 DLC for the game that we bought last year, and I know in this article I made a lot of comparisons showing you things that Modern Warfare 3 does better than Modern Warfare 2 and things that they both do pretty much identical to each other, but it's really things like this.

the reuse of audio files, for a kill streak that is probably the most common kill streak in Call of Duty: the UAV, and I'm not saying that this is like the hill to die on necessarily. I mean, it's not like, you know, Modern Warfare 3 is going to be a bad game if they reuse the audio files from Modern Warfare 2.

modern warfare 3 vs mw2

That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm just saying that this is an example of things that immediately make the game feel like Call of Duty. Modern Warfare 2. Instead of Modern Warfare 3, the first time I got a UAV in Modern Warfare 3's beta, I heard the audio track for both teams because they reused the audio from both sides in Modern Warfare 2.

Here in Modern Warfare 3. I immediately felt like that's from the pre-game; they reused that, and for our $70, we want the game to not feel like that, and how often do you hear UAVs called in modern war in the Call of Duty period? You know it—that's the easy stuff to redo and replace that makes the game feel a little bit different.

mw3 beta vs mw2

You know what I mean. I mean, they brought all the guns from Modern Warfare 2 into Modern Warfare 3 and redid the reload animations. That's how, to me, it would be harder to animate and implement into the game rather than, you know, using a different take that the actors did last year when recording the kill streaks for Modern Warfare 2, just using a different take in Modern Warfare 3 or re-recording them.

We're, you know, paying $70 for a brand new game. Give us new content, you know, not reused audio files, from the game that came out last year, and I know this made some of you guys feel like a small, you know, gripe, but it's the small details that make games feel fresh, especially when you're a yearly franchise.

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Modern Warfare 3 Beta vs Modern Warfare 2 - Direct Comparison! In this video, I will compare some of the small differences I noticed between the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Beta and Modern Warfare 2 to see what's changed over the last year. Happy viewing.
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