News - Max Out Any Weapon Instantly Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Rank Weapons Up Fast

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All right guys, so today we are going to be having a look at how you can go ahead and maximize your weapon XP and rank your weapons up as quick as you possibly can as there's over 50 weapons in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 that you guys want to go ahead and make sure you have maxed out as you will be wanting to take advantage of your weapon XP once Modern Warfare 3 has launched, as you will be able to go ahead and use these right away and use these in Modern Warfare 3 as all weapons are carrying over, so you guys definitely want to take full advantage of today's article.

Stay tuned all the way till the end so you guys can actually have that head start in the brand new game. As you don't want to miss a single article here on the Channel, with all being said then let's go ahead and jump into it so as mentioned there 50, other weapons, plus well plus 50 weapons that you can go ahead and max out in your levels in Call of dut in Modern Warfare 2 and obviously you get to use these in war zone and you're going to be able to use these in Modern Warfare 3 so you want to make sure in this time window between now and the end of the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 cycle, you have maxed out every single weapon because you don't want to be maxing out these weapons in the brand new game as well as maxing out the brand new weapons in Modern Warfare 3 as well so first of all the perks that you want to be using guys you want to make sure you have got resupply.

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On there because resupply actually spawns you with additional lethal, and it does recharge your equipment every 25 seconds. You also want to go ahead and be using scavengers so that you can resupply your ammo as quick as you possibly can off the dead enemies so then you can consistently keep getting the kills running onto these objectives and never be without ammo, as obviously you need to make sure you have maxed out, and then also it's optional.

I don't use it myself, but you can also use extra tactical It just allows you to have three tacticals instead of two, but it does give you that extra option if you want to go ahead and use that. And then, in regards to your equipment, guys, these are a few options you want to be going ahead and using, so in regards to your tactical, you want to be using either the flash grenade or the decoy grenade.

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Now what do the flash grenade and decoy grenade do once you have thrown them into an area and you have flashed the enemy? If you throw a decoy and there's an enemy near the decoy, you will actually get additional XP on your weapons. That's if you obviously get the kills or your teammates get the kills; it doesn't matter either way, so if you're playing in game mode, for example.

Shipman, you can throw these all the way around the map with no worries, and you're guaranteed to get a little bit of extra XP for your weapon. So when it comes to your lethal guys, there are three options you can go ahead and use, so I would recommend you use the frag grenade or SX. As you can go ahead and throw these around the map, especially as soon as you're spawned in, for example, if you are playing a map like Shipman, you can throw them into the middle, and you know you're going to get a kill at least straight away, or at least at some point in the game, you are going to start getting those kills.

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Another lethal I would highly recommend using is proximity. You can actually go ahead and put these on the hard points. You can go ahead and put these on the flags, so then you can go ahead and get some additional kills now if you think about it if you are playing hardpoint, and especially if you are going ahead and playing on shipment once again.

I know I keep referring to this, but you'll see why soon. But if you go ahead and play Shipment and you put this down on the hard point and the enemy has already captured it, the enemy is going to spawn in and around the hard point once they've captured the shipment. That's how the game works, so once that has been placed, you can guarantee you're going to get yourself a multi-kill.

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Which also does go ahead and affect your weapon XP, and you're going to get some additional XP there, so obviously, to go ahead and support all this, you want to make sure you have decent kill streaks on as well. In regard to kill streaks, there are probably two options you could potentially run now.

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If you are a lower-skilled player and you don't get your kill streaks very often, I would highly recommend getting a UAV. I would recommend always rocking the UAV anyway for your first kill streak, and then I usually use the OverWatch healer, and I also use Advanced UAV. Now the Overwatch healer does what that does: it just follows you around the map, so one it's going to protect you, and two it pinpoints where enemies are on the map, so if your teammates get a kill while the enemy is pinpointed, you do get additional XP, and then obviously while it is getting kills for yourself, whatever weapon you have got out currently running with will also get additional weapon XP, as well, so that's how you want to go ahead and preset up before you even jump into a game.

There are the major steps you want to go ahead and do moving forward. So with that all being said, guys, the best game mode you want to go ahead and play is want to be playing objective-based game mode. Now, here are a few options: In fact, there's a lot of options you guys can go ahead and pick, and you guys want to be choosing specific ones, so the ones you would highly recommend you guys going and playing are dominating.

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Kill confirmed, and grind, and also. I would highly recommend you guys going ahead and playing hardpoint. Now, these particular game modes are very good in their own unique ways, so if you are playing, for example. Hardo or Domination, you want to make sure you're getting kills in and around the Hardo or Domination flag, because what I'll go and do is get you additional XP.

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Now, by getting kills on the Hardo, if you are taking people off the Hardpoint, you're going to get additional XP from that, and the same in regards to Domination. Kill confirmed and grind are very alike, and these ones are definitely something you want to go ahead and do. First of all, with both of them, you want to make sure you are capturing every single tag that is dropped and all these tags that are being drop you want to make sure you're collecting them all with the weapon out that you want to go ahead and unlock the XP quicker for in regards to grind, this is very good because you are collecting tags and then you are going and depositing them either on a or b so what you want to go ahead and do is get as many tags as you possibly can and then go and drop them now.

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