News - Karachi Control Tips. Warzone 2 Ranked Play Inside The Mind Of A Crimson

I'm going to try to jump through the ledge. Here, I'll show you what I mean. So first, we're going to jump through and go around the corner. Yes, I like to sit up. Here So obviously, my whole team just died, so they're going to be. They know I'm here, so we have to take our time. So now I'm just kind of waiting for my team, and honestly, I think this is a good place to use my cruise because they're not really going to push me through the jump up.

It's very unlikely. The last guy was around there now they know I'm here so I'm actually going to get off this spot cuz you know they're going to be looking for me there if I can get to top third here and kind of wait for the re pinches I see we can, do so maybe one on a Yeah. I messed up there. I meant to jump up to top third, but I messed up my jump up all good.

There's two last guys going to be there again. Let's kind of mark it for him. Jump across make sure no one pushes behind me. Okay, let's get out of here. It's all about repositioning effectively in scenarios like this. This is anyone coming through the middle, so if no one comes through here, that means they've already pushed out because they spawned ages, so I'm actually trying to get out of here, so right now the spawns are a little bit messed up; they're spawning about like chicken side just based on where I pushed out and stuff, so take our time back away.

Here, I'm expecting a few of them to be pushed out already, basically. Now that the new spawners might be spawning back here, let's find out if they're still spawning chicken side, because once A's done, they're spawning more chicken side. One more peek through the window, and we're getting one shot, and the guy's probably going to chase me through.

Here's one; there's still one more in there. He's looking at me, so I'm just trying to distract him from my team on another cruise there. I didn't even play on that cruise properly. I should have played it better, but I still got it. Right there was a gun fight where I probably should have won.

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I just kind of had better gun skills, so I don't want to rely on that. I want to rely on positioning and stuff for the same thing: they're not going to be here, so they're going to be on my left. There's one watch on the left, and the nem is running low on reinforcements. I'm just going to watch this whole middle area, but the problem is, I don't want to be too far, because if they get the point, they're going to secure another one.

Let's get out of there if we can. Can they're all coming through our side right now, big two, big two, so that last guy's in our spawn second, looking at the kill feed. I'm just keeping an eye on the kill my teammate's take him out, the rest probably coming through the middle, right? They might be actually pushing through here.

Another one down. This was a clinical performance; I'm not going to lie to you boys. 26 and five—yeah, I don't think I'm getting a better game today than this. 10 seconds remain in a diamond. Lobby 27 and 5 Yeah, I mean, that's GG's right there, 0; we'll take that for sure. That's going to be inside the mind of a Crimson player, playing control on karach.

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We popped off there and went 276, 4 KD. Yeah, we fried that game, man. We got like three cruises. Overall, it's a really good game. I've not been playing well the last few games. I've kind of been in my own head, and my pacing was all over the place. So for this game, I decided to kind of give my thoughts, and when I do that, it makes me automatically slow down, and yeah, that's kind of the result of that, so YouTube You guys know the drawman.

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