News - Is This The New Rpk Meta For Warzone 2

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So apparently the absolute meta for Warzone is that according to the War Zone Loadout Twitter specifically, make Twitter content about loadouts and warzones; this is apparently the absolute meta stuff, and right now we do a lot of long range, and you see a lot of RPKS. I have my own personal build, so I'm going to try this out; they even have the specific tunings down right here, so pause the article if you want to see this exactly.

So then I put this build together exactly; interesting thing: There was no stock rear grip, magazine, or even a barrel chain, but they added a laser sight, which actually increases side speed, aim stability, and sprint speed; and because the light from your laser sight is always visible, you get the polar flares.

which just kind of like sound suppression bullet velocity damage and like yourself recoil, management some, kind of thing here with the f-tac rubber 56, where the only downsides on this one are just aimed outside speed and walking speed, and then you have high velocity rounds, which, as you can imagine what they do, increase your velocity but also reduce your damage over range.

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You can compensate for that a little bit with some damage over range on the fine tuning aspects of the whole thing. DX, so let's kind of jump into the firing range real quick and just kind of see how this whole weapon kind of shoots and kind of plays out. I mean, I'm doing very, very light poles on my mouse to pull it downward, and, well, it kind of seems like it will beam Let's jump into the war zone and see if this really is the meta-RPK.

There we go. Of course, you know me as being from Seattle, so I had to wreck the Seattle storage scan. It might not be the most optimal. All blacked out in La Thief's skin, but you gotta rep the homies. She wanted to drop over here; it's kind of just outside the circle; a safe cracker can get us some quick money so that we can hopefully get our web loadout weapon in, so let's see how this plays out all right.

Let's check our bags here and see if anyone's dropping with us; it's looking like a pretty clear drop. We got someone over there, though they might be trying to get spicy with me; they might also be going for the safe cracker together. Don't kill each other. Yeah, okay, I'm downstairs cracking. Guys, push up the middle right here.

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AFK in the back though, take this guy off then come on, teammate, you got this there you go all right. Let's jump back and see if we can get our loadout. It's probably a little too spicy, but let's go for the safe cracker right here. I guess he's spicy. Holy crap! They gave me the grenade launcher; you're really going to give me the grenade launcher.

Here we go. I mean, it's very much the millennial thing to do right. We picked up an RPK. This might be close enough; there are gun bites happening in this town. Be quiet just open the doors. Okay, it sounds a little too high on that left crack. That crack let's go to the right one first. Yeah, I hate going inside these cities.

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There are so many angles and so many rooftops, like that right there, and we got a sniper rifle and an RPK, basically, The Loot Drop. Meta, I guess you want to call that, but one thing I kind of want to touch on is that I've never really delved too much into war zones. I mean, when I say "a lot of Halo." I mean, if you saw my Twitter post recently, you would know that 77 of my game time on Steam was spent playing Halo infinite, so you know I put in some time, but now with the model for two not being out and I've been really enjoying it multiplayer, it's been pretty fun, we got three plates there we go and a gas mask, and I got the cash, how about a buy station where we can get our loadout weapon?

Then the thing is that now that I think things are kind of just chill. I think they' If it's kind of just chill at the moment, if you know what I mean, but I figured that it probably a decent time to jump in and play a little something else. My, there's some safe track right below me. Shit okay, well, and that's why I hate going into the cities because of that exact situation right there, just some guy on top of a roof just trying to make my day not as awesome, which is exactly what I'm trying to avoid.

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I'm trying to have a good time here, man. All right, let's check out the scenery this time around. We do have one person jumping with me. It's getting a little too spicy. What's going on here? Are we just pointing a gun? Luckily, there's another safe cracker around here, so if I just run and grab that, I'm just pressing E and just grabbing all the things; eventually there'll be something I can use; there we go.

Okay, well, we got our rescue going, and I'm still incredibly excited, Paranoid, that there's someone just to my right. Okay, I'll show him the way. pass Geez, so I also want to talk about: Is the RPK truly The meta of a war zone now I don't know if that's exactly the case; I think it's just kind of the first good weapon over a weapon that a lot of people found and seem to do pretty well for themselves, but I don't really know if that really means that other weapons within a war zone are irrelevant.

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I like how it was a lot of times with Warzone: oftentimes, you would find the meta, and that's like the loadout you run; if you don't run that meta, then you're basically going to be sending. Most of the time, the response is "green," and the other state park is like, "Right here," which makes me think we might as well just go get it, and a three-plate dinner is clutch; I got an AR, and I like that a lot more.

I mean, I've been running the RPK with my own specific loadout, but I wanted to test out this one with the Warzone loadout. Twitter to see if it really is the loadout you gotta be running with, of course there were airstrikes being called right on, that fire station I figured it would be a little hot we could find a building and then we got another spot to go for this place has been looted but not really that much, you know there's an observatory one right there with the bounty still available you never know I mean Observatory is.

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Kinda dangerous, but we'll see, but honestly. I kind of liked how Warzone 2 started out with the lack of loadouts and being reliant on ground loot. I feel like adding a little more randomness to the gameplay made it a little more fresh and exciting instead of having to be so optimized all the time when it comes to loadouts and stuff.

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I, swear by screen didn't freeze that was a fantastic fall damage right there that was they definitely if you felt like that in real life you would clearly be extremely dead me That's real; that's what's so realistic about Warzone. I love that; I don't know if you can tell that's complete sarcasm, and I'm actually human inside my brain right now.

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