News - Is The Lachmann 556 Good Warzone 2. Loadout Guide



The goal is to cover every aspect of a certain gun in War Zone 2 and then put together the best loadouts possible. This article will focus on the Lachman 556 assault rifle from the Lachman Mir platform, which is very similar in terms of feel to the Growl 5.56 from Warzone 1. The first build we are going to investigate is.

Long range loadout

For the Lachman 556 long-range version, we will first look at the detailed statistics, thanks to Sim, and then go through each attachment in order to make the best version possible of the Lachman 556 for long-range fights. Finally, you'll see a small showcase with various animations, reload ads, and recoil patterns.

ar warzone 2

As usual, let's first look only at the time to kill, as it's probably the most important statistic in Warzone to understand if a gun is meta, but it's not. The lachman has a ttk of 659 milliseconds until 42 meters, 823 milliseconds until 75 meters, and 1068 milliseconds. If we look only at the time to kill, the Lachman 556 is just average; it's not meta, but it's not completely useless either.

If you watched my previous loadout guide for the second Mg38, the average time to kill at 50 meters was 656 milliseconds, so almost 200 milliseconds faster than the Lakman 556. Other statistics like the muzzle velocity or the ad time are also quite standard for an assault rifle built for long-range fights.

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So what's the real advantage of the Lachman 556? And why is it still an interesting gun? Well, mainly because it's super easy to use. Look at the recoil here and note that this is without compensating for the recoil at all, so even beginners would feel comfortable using the Lachman 556; this is why this gun is not complete trash.

If the developers decided to buff a little bit the damage profile of this gun, I'm convinced it would instantly become the meta due to how easy it is. Remember the Kila 141, the Grenade 5.56, or the Crig-6? None of them had the best time to kill, but they had almost no recoil, and they were the absolute meta at their prime.

ar wz2

So let's jump into the attachments and how to make this gun the best long-range loadout possible. First, you'll need a big magazine. It is a no-brainer for this playstyle in Warzone; you need the bullets, and then you'll want to add the Harbinger D20 muzzle mainly because it's the best suppressor for long-range encounters.

With this suppressor, you'll get better recoil control, bullet velocity, and damage range. Check my previous article to understand how to select the best muzzle for all your loadouts. Then you need to put on a scope, and considering the low amount of recoil of this gun, you can afford to use the Schütze 3.4 even if it adds a little bit of visual recoil.

You will be fine with it. Our next attachment will be the long barrel. Usually, you have the choice between the long barrel and the high-velocity ammunition. I prefer the barrel mainly because it increases the damage range and helps with the recoil. The high-velocity rounds do not do that, as they focus only on the bullet's travel speed.

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Finally, about the under barrels, many people will go for the lock grip Precision or the VX Pineapple because they are the best at reducing the recoil, but I still prefer the Ripper because it helps with the aiming stability and makes the gun significantly more consistent. Especially with this low-recoil gun, you don't need to go all in with recoil control, but aiming stability is always a good addition to the weapon's behavior.

Sniper support loadout

Sniper support loadout

Our second lachman (556) This loadout is for sniper support, like most assault rifles in the game right now. They are very good sniper support because, with this kind of build, you don't need to worry about anything else beyond mid-range. You see that the time to kill is exactly the same as the previous loadout, but only with the damage drop off closer, so instead of having your first damage drop at 42 meters, you have it at 31 meters.

This is mostly because we selected the attachment to focus mainly on speed and mobility while keeping the low recoil characteristics. With an ad time of only 284 milliseconds, this build is extremely fast and will feel almost instant to aim; the same goes for the reload. Let's look at the attachments, which are completely different from the long-range loadout we just studied for a sniper support build.

assault rifle

I believe the Kronen Mini Pro Optic is a must, and the same is true for the 40-round magazine. On this build, you'll select the 40 bullets rather than the 60, mostly because you need to focus on mobility. The 60 has too much mobility penalty and will feel slow. The next two attachments are here to help with the added time, so for that, as usual, we will choose the FSSOV laser and the LMK 64 rear grip, both of which are excellent for mobility and are allowing the gun to feel extremely quick.

Finally, we still need a little recoil control, so we will go for the FJX fulcrum pro muzzle. This compensator is perfect for mitigating both horizontal and vertical recoil; trust me, you will love this build. That's it for today. Have a very nice end of the

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Today we focus on the Lachmann 5. 56 and analyze if it can compete within the meta in season 1 of Warzone 2. We look at stats and build the best possible loadouts for the Lachmann 556 in Warzone 2.
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