News - Is The Kar98k The New Zombies Meta. Warzone 2 Zombies

modern warfare zombies

I mean, it's not looking like it, unfortunately, but again, I could maybe have a better build on it. There could be a stronger build that I'm just not using. I don't know, like I said. I will keep my eyes peeled, for a stronger build, to see if this one could potentially become better for me to use in zombies, and then we can go ahead and try that out as well if this one doesn't seem to be the best, because I think that happened with me with the Moos.

When I tried that one out, there were people using the Moos saying it was ridiculously broken, and when I tried it, it just really didn't feel that great, but I don't know if people were capping, so I never went back and tried it again. But I mean, the car doesn't feel horrendous; it just definitely doesn't feel like one of the better guns in the game, like they are definitely stronger guns.

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Honestly, I don't think I'd even want to take this thing into the dark. It's struggling in Tier 3; it's just not going to do very well in the dark area. I can already tell you that, because if a gun struggles in Tier 3, it's just not going to be good enough in the dark area, unfortunately. You can usually tell because if a gun's absolutely flying in Tier 3, then it's going to do a good job in the dark AA Zone, but if it struggles in Tier 3, it's not going to be any good in that dark AA Zone, unfortunately.

So we're just going to play out the rest of tier three, you know, and see if we can get any Bounty contracts or anything like that done. If we can, great; if not, then I mean, we'll just see what we can end up testing a gun against, but tier three zombie, as you can see, is going to be just unfortunately.

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A twoot i don't know what the damage is going to be like if we start shooting through zombies if that makes sense like if I shoot through that zombie do we do damage to the one in the back lowy looks like we might so you might have a little bit of collateral damage with this gun which, could be a little bit of a Saving Grace for it if I'm totally honest, yeah I mean unfortunately guys it just doesn't seem like the car is going to be the most broken gun in Zombies which I was really hoping it was going to be pretty usable and pretty good and we do have a high value Target Mega Abomination here though so we are going to go ahead, test this out against that see what sort of damage it's going to do you never know we might start popping Mega Abominations heads in one or two shots you just don't know until you try it so that is exactly what we're going to do now we're going to run over in that direction, try it see how we get on against a mega Abomination high value Target, and of course we do also have the new superi.

46 i believe it is in the new season update as well, so I will of course be testing that out for you guys, probably in tomorrow's article, so keep your eyes peeled for that. If you do want to see how that goes, here we go. We have got a mega-abomination as far as it's laser; see what sort of damage we can do to its heads.

mw3 zombies kar98k

I mean i mean, yeah, so far, it's really not that impressive. I think we might have done the smallest little bit of HP damage to it that I have ever seen, if I'm totally honest. I don't know. I was hoping. I was hoping, guys, that maybe just maybe this might have done some sort of damage to Mega Abominations.

But, even when we were hitting critical shots, you know, when it had its mouth open with the lasers, it wasn't doing anything too crazy, so unfortunately, guys. I just don't think the car's going to be it. I mean, I am going to keep testing it out, like I said, but it's not looking like it's going to be anything amazing again.

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We'll get around for these lasers to go, and my teammates have popped the head, which is fine. We can just keep spraying at it I guess just seeing what sort of damage we can actually do there is another Mega Abomination Rolling In which isn't exactly ideal, but I mean even then when we target that Mega Abomination I hit two shots with it mouth open and I mean you saw the sort of damage it was doing it really was not anything, it wasn't anything to WR home about it really wasn't you whereas you see with some of the other snipers some of the other better guns in this game they do some serious damage and I just this just isn't going to be competing with any of the Great Guns is it I mean we are finally going to get the mega Abomination down I really don't think I was the one that done too much damage to it unfortunately, but it is what it is you know we're going to keep using it a little bit more just see if we can find anything that it might be good at.

We don't want to write the gun off too early, of course, but I mean, so far, it's just not looking that great. I mean, we tried it against zombies, we tried it against high-value targets, we tried it against bosses like the manglers, the mimix, and the disciples, etc. It's yet to do anything special, so I don't really know what else we could even test this thing on or whether it could end up being used for one.

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I really, really do not know, so like I said, we were really just hoping that car was going to be really, really nice. Unfortunately, guys, I just do not think that is going to be the case. This really isn't doing that well for me, which is really unfortunate. I was really hoping it was going to do really nice damage in this game.

I really thought maybe we would have a little bit of luck with a car doing some crazy damage, but it's just not looking at that that's going to be the case, unfortunately. So we got another high-value Target Mega Abomination, and we are of course going to make our way over there once again and see if we get any improved damage from last time, but it's just not looking at that is going to be the case unfortunately.

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So the mega-abomination should just be waiting for us to run this corner, which it is indeed doing, and I don't really know the best way to optimize using this car, like. I really don't know what the best strategy is, whether we just keep spraying at it where we are trying to hit those critical shots, because.

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I mean, whatever we're doing with it just doesn't seem to be doing anything. Of any note, really, there's no crazy damage being done to this mega-abomination. Why it's just focusing on me so heavily, I don't know, but I am completely out of plates. I have nothing going for me right now, and I'm really not in a great spot.

I mean, especially when we're using this gun. Man, I don't want to be the one SA saying the car is not good because I have absolutely loved the car since Cod 4. I've enjoyed using the car like it's just been that gun that's been fun to use all the time; it's always been a good gun in every Cod you've ever used it in, and unfortunately for zombies, it doesn't look like it's going to be that.

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