News - Insane" Warzone 2 Glitch Spots 2024. Explore The New Exploits

cod mw3 glitches

Yes, my people, today I got some crazy glitch spots for you in MW3. Some of these are pretty mad, so I wouldn't abuse them, as you might get hit with that ban, but before we get into the article, I just wanted to say thank you to all my 81 subscribers. If you're feeling generous, then I appreciate you too, just for this article.

I hope you have a great day either way. Anyway, let's get straight into these glitches. First up, we're in a state where you want to get yourself to this place on the map right outside this house here, then make your way into the house. Jump on this railing here, and then strafe jump all the way over to this little ledge.

And then jump on this little window, sill, And then look up and jump onto this ledge in front of you. Then slowly walk over to not fall off, then jump across to the other side. And then this is the hard part: you have to strafe jump right into this tree. But when you get there, you have to sort of not touch your analog stick because otherwise you're going to fall off.

cod mw3 xp glitch

You just got to be still as soon as you get there, and then bang, you got a lovely spot there, scoping out the whole map, Next up, we're on Afghan. If you want to bring yourself to this location on the map, it is actually one of the spawns, so you might even just spawn there. And then you want to just go to this rock here and basically crawl in there while prone.

And then once you're in there, you're nice and sealed. As you can see, you can't throw equipment out of the rock, but you can shoot bullets out of the rock, so you can kill people. Yeah, it's quite a good spot. I typically would use it for infected. This one's on Afghan again; it's just around the corner from the previous glitch, right next to the spawn.

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You're going to need a deployable cover. Put it where I've put it, jump on it, and just strafe jump straight into the tree. You can't really see too much here, but if you get the right angles, you can get some nice sights at certain locations. I could get a few kills here, and I could get a quick feed.

modern warfare 3 glitches

Now we're on forel. Just make your way to this location on the map. You're also going to need a deployable cover again, and once you get your deployable cover ready, put it out and make sure it's hanging over the edge of the building, because we had to do a big strafe jump all the way over to the other side onto the peg.

So just like that, you can also jump across onto the other pegs; it's quite a good spot to have for a while until someone notices you. Next up, we have subbase. Just make your way to this location on the map. You're going to need a deployable cover again and place it where I've put it here, and then you're going to jump off the top of it and land on this vent.

Once you're on that vent, you want to crouch and then lie down and then curl around. And then, once you feel the lip drop as you go around the corner, you want to stand back up, and then you can move into this vent here. I'm not sure what it looks like for other players to see you, but it looks like you're probably hidden.

mw3 camo glitch

And you can shoot through the vent as well; it's a good one. Next up, we have Wasteland. I'm not even sure if this one's worth showing you, but go to this location on the map. Deployable cover again; you're going to need it. Put it down where I've put it, jump on it, and then basically just jump into that tree.

Yeah, you can get pretty hidden in there if you get central into the trunk, but yeah I feel like I feel like people will spot you easily here, so maybe not the best one to use, but still, it's a glitch. So there you go. Now moving on to the final glitch of this article. We're on Quarry Make your way to that location, jump over this railing, and move forward.

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And then just aim for that window. You don't have to do much here, and this itself is a pretty good spot. But it can go further, as you will see. If you want to go any further, jump over to the building across from you, Like, So, and that's another good spot there. Also, you can move up the building up the roof.

I was kind of figuring out what I was doing here, but yeah, you can go here. I prefer this spot to lie down, and you could definitely pick some people off here. But anyway, that's it for this one, if You' be kind enough to go and check the channel. I got a few articles posted. I'm sort of new to this, so there isn't much there.

mw3 glitch

I have a load of shorts and a few other articles, but I plan to keep uploading anyway, so please subscribe and like the article

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