News - How To Rank Up Fast Warzone 2 Ranked Play. The Secret On How Sr Works


This article is going to be exactly what you need to know in order to rank up fast in MW3 rank play. I've got seven tips for you. I don't want to waste your time. Let's get right into the article. Tip number one is going to be to warm up. It might sound dumb, but you have to do it. No excuses when you get into that first game and you lose or you do bad and you get blamed on or have bad shots and not get a lot of kills.

You're going to want to go into a private match right when you get to the game. Put it on Rust-Free for All. Put the bots to the max and put them on recruit so they don't shoot back and waste your time. Depending on how warm you feel right off the bat, you're going to want to put the max kills on 30, 40, or 50 and do half kills with a sub-half kill with an AR, or if you only use one or the other, just use that gun just to make sure your shots are warm enough to play and not sell your team right off the bat.

Tip number two is to use a microphone. Using a mic is extremely important in competitive games, especially Call of Duty, where there's a million different things that you need to call out, like where you are, what you're looking at, what you're holding, what you're going to do, and what you see, as in where an enemy is or where you died from using a mic.


It is important and will 100% make or break whether you lose the game unless you guys are by far the superior team and blow right through them. You have to use a microphone. Tip number three is going to be to play with the team. Playing with the team is a lot easier than playing by yourself because you don't have to rely on a bunch of randoms to do well or play objectively.

competitive cdl

And if you also play with the team, you're going to know their play style, you're going to have your own play style, and you're going to be able to figure out exactly what you need to do as a team to get the win a lot more often. Tip number four goes hand in hand with that, and that is to ask to team up if you're in a game by yourself, maybe you're with your friend, or even if you're with three of your friends and you're playing with one random If you guys win, you have a lot better of a chance to team up with them, especially if everybody has a mic to party up and to keep playing as a team, and rolling through the games like that, it's a lot better to have a lot better of a chance to win than to play with a bunch of randoms who may be new at the game and may be in your division, but you should be in a higher division, so technically, you're playing with a less skilled player.

It's a lot better to guarantee. You know who your team is, you know how good they are, and you know you can win, so if you're buying yourself or with a friend and you win and the Cs are good and the Vibes are good, ask to team up and keep playing for the rest of the day together to help you move up the ranks a lot quicker.

competitive cod

Tip number five is going to be to play objectively. Again, this one might be a little bit obvious, but if you don't play objectively, you're probably not going to win the game. Every team needs at least one or two players to dedicate themselves to the objective. not everybody can just run around the hill in hardpoint, and get 40 plus kills a game but nobody has a minute in the hill you're never going to win because obviously in order to win hardpoint you need to get 250, points if you're one of those players who find yourself not getting a lot of kills every game one thing you can do to ensure that your teammates aren't giving you crap in the game, over the mic is to get Hill time or to be capturing the zones in control you're not going to get yelled at for getting 10 to 15 kills a game if you have over 2 minutes in the hill or you're always on the flags taking bullets for your team and capping flags and just flying out there when they're sitting back running around the hill running around the objectives getting kills, you need to be the one to get on the objective if you're one of those people who find yourself, not being able to keep up in the kill race as everybody else in the lobby.

Tip number six is going to be to use the metag guns. There's only two correct answers to this right now in the game: the best AR to use and the only AR to use is the MCW. I have a class setup article on the best class cles to use for that gun, if you want to go ahead and check that out, and then the metag gun for the sub is going to be again.


The only correct answer is the Rival; it is just hands down the best; it's the only gun you should be using; and lastly, tip number seven is going to be to take a break if you find yourself on a bit of a losing streak, even if you have all the time in the world to play all day if you've lost three games in a row.

You're better off just taking a break, even if it's just a quick 20- or 30-minute break. Go get some food. Go outside, do what you have to do, just take a little bit of a break before you get back into it, let your brain rest, let your hands rest, and just come back to it better than you were before.

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That's going to do it for today's article. If you guys enjoyed it, make sure to like and subscribe. Check out my gameplay articles, and I have a bunch of other tip articles out and on the way as well, so be sure to stick around for

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The key to gaining sr in mw3 ranked play. How to gain sr fast in mw3 ranked play. How to gain more sr in ranked. Hi I play competitive call of duty on cmggaming.
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