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modern warfare iii

Mixy I'll pause right here so you can see what I'm talking about it's very common that this will happen pretty much every time there's a P3 rotation in your playing one player will spawn Maze and one player will spawn P2 what you need to take from this article is that if you spawn P2 and you're trying to help your teammates towards the time when you jump out these P2 Windows always check your left towards anybody that will be pushing maze, just because you spawn P2 on this side of the map does not mean maze is safe and vice versa if you spawn maze that does not mean P2 is safe so if you spawn Maze and you're pushing out towards mid you need to check your right towards P2 I mean these spawns get absolutely, insane over here on the side of the map but for the most part the ideal spawns that make the most sense are the ones that you just saw New York spawning back here towards the actual Hill and optic spawning on this side of the map towards Maze and P2, and now for P4.


Your typical spawn points are going to be back here towards the actual sub and then over here towards the back server, so a lot of the funneling is going to be happening towards River. You'll see, you'll see, you'll get crazy spawns like that. I'll back up so you can see that even though Optic had control of the back, since they had players River and P1, it forced the New York spawn towards the way back.

None of these spawns are perfect; they can get mixed sometimes, but as a general rule of thumb, as you'll see, it plays out that Optic is spawning back here in the Deep while New York is spawning towards P3. River, and somebody even gets a Mixie spawn. I believe server a maze, or something like that.

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Yeah, number five, wherever that spawn was, the anchor is really important on this hill as well. You'll see numbers one and four. The hill is about to end, but keeping that as a general rule of thumb, you want to make sure you hard block the back so you don't flip out, and now this isthe last hill.

mw3 callouts

P5, you can get some crazy spawn traps on this hill. As we're about to see, the optic players are kind of converging on New York on the hill, which causes number eight to spawn pretty deep. That's usually where the spawn points are here, in the in the back garage, and then towards P3. The crazy spawn traps can occur because of how sticky these spawns are back P3 and back garage.

Even if you have somebody, like if an optic player pushed up top garage, you can fully spawn trap the opponent's team as they continue to spawn P3, as you'll see number five just spawned there. Their only options are either to take a long route towards the server or go tunnel and garage, so like I said, send somebody up top garage and put them in the absolute blender.

As long as you have the P2 side of the map, I'll back up earlier on in the hill so that we can see where the optic players spawn. You'll see the game wants to spawn them closer to P2.

Ranked play mw3 callouts sub base

Ranked play mw3 callouts sub base

So I believe these spawns are going to be favorable, just because they're that much closer to the time and you don't have to fight the power positions that are on hill and top P2, but yeah, for the most common spawns, keep in mind P2 side and garage side, and tip number four is the callouts we have: P1, top server bottom server, this is ramp leads to River this whole street is River this is back sub, green tarp P4 this entire area here is maze, top third this is top catwalk leads to top P2, as well as top cat room bottom.

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MW3 Ranked Play How to Get Better in MW3 Ranked Play, get ready for modern warfare 3 ranked play TODAY with best MW3 Ranked Play Gods Spots Sub Base, Sub Base Nade Spots, and MW3 Ranked Play Sub Base Callouts. Hope you enjoy! Call of Duty Modern Warfare III.
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