News - How To Improve Fast Warzone 2 Ranked Play : Why Controlling Gunfghts Is Key Warzone 2

Because you're splitting them up so we go through I spot the opponent okay I don't have to kill him straight away let's repetion let's Center onto him again we make him weak, now if I stayed there I probably could have killed him but there's a chance he pre-fired me I got a bit worried so now I'm going to guarantee the win I'm going to back off now I'm going to rep peek because he's one shot we're going to take him out really easy stuff there back to using our retti on this next clip exact same thing on hrz where we're going to go through we slide across and most of these gunfights, where I'm controlling them you can see we're actually starting off in positions where to be honest we're getting caught off guard now this is a gunfight where if I puse it right now, nine out of 10 times you would expect me to basically just aim at him maybe jump to the right jump to the left and try to win the gunfight, but that's not what I do the first thing I do is walk backwards.

I'm trying to get into cover, and as I'm getting into cover. I'm trying to shoot him, okay, just to give me the advantage again and to allow myself to take a second, reposition, and control the gunfight. I don't need to kill this player right now; I need to back away. And have the advantage because right now it's such a mixy gunfight if he shoots me I'm going to be one shot one of us are going to die straight away so I'm going to go through I slide across I make him weak I'm backing away, now that I've hit him a lot now let me get one thing out of the mind by the way he should have killed me here I think he should have fried me but I still played It Well by backing off now he's weak I'm going to slide at him because I'm controlling it so we're going to go for I'm going to slide across, although he's hitting me as I'm sliding.

My moment momentum is going to carry me through big he's so weak we're going to go through we're going to finish him off and get another kill nice and easy controlling the gunfight once again we're about halfway through the clips now onto the new map Vista starting off with an assault rifle and I think we get some really nice shots there going to go through see you're watching the left hand side taking out the first player, and straight away I know the teammates on my right the last guy in the H was going to be their side so we go through we take it nice and slow and there you go the opponent there instead of spraying we're going to go through we're going to try to control the gunfight so we shoot once or twice, back away and we end up Tak leaking them out again just really nice way of kind of controlling the gunfight.

And my first thought was, Okay, my teammate's got that side. I'm going to watch the left-hand side again as we go through. I don't know why I shoot through there it doesn't really work out but again just controlling the gunfight I'm trying to get that first shot so every time you see me in scenarios like this you you're going to see I'm going to be centered onto where I expect them to be and I'm going to go for those like little pre-fire shots those little warning shots I like to call them because for me if I can get those warning shots off and I hit them it's going to allow me to control the gunfight, in this case it didn't really matter because he ends up peeking, you can see I'm centered right onto him and I'm going to be able to kill him just like that get a nice little threepiece going towards the next Hill here it's going to be the exact same thing as like the invasion in terms of using the retti okay so we're going to go through.

And I don't know where they are right now. I know that somebody might be on my left because I saw a red door earlier, and I know somebody might be on the other side. I don't want to go in and die right now. What I want to do is get some information, maybe get a kill, and wait for my teammate. So we're going to go through my shoulder, and I spot the first opponent.

Okay, before I see him, I see someone else right there. I think that's a dead body. Yeah, it's a dead body, but my goal right now is to kill this opponent. While I'm trying to kill him, I'm actually trying to back away. This is so important. I think this is a free kill cuz this play is running okay but as I'm shooting him you see I'm backing away I'm backing away so that I can instantly go to the top pair reposition, and watch over my teammates from this angle so it's not just about getting the kill but controlling the gunfight allows you to go a step ahead this kill I think I would have got anyways cuz he wasn't really looking at me he was running it was an easy kill but as I'm shooting him I'm backing away I'm backing away gets me closer to going up top and now I can watch through a different angle again repositioning, just controlling the gunfight so important now that I'm in the floow of control of the gunfight we go through to the next Hill and this one was really impressive in my opinion we're going to slide across now trying to use the kind of cameraing mechanics to win the gunfights.

And this one gets really interesting, my teammates go through they end up getting taken down here so they get two- pieced I spot the opponent on my left air my first thought is a jump across here once again control the gunfight so we go through we take out the first player the second one's going to be through the wall so as I'm shooting this opponent right now I'm trying my best not to get hit if I can just kind of guess where he is based on the smoke and shoot my shot through the smoke it'll be very valuable, so we go through we take out one you see we spot the seconds kind of just the name tag we're going to start shooting through the smoke, literally through the war hair trying to control the gunfire when I say control the gunfire I've said that about a thousand times already today but I haven't really explained what I mean I want to get the first shot I want to make my opponents weak and then I want to challenge, so right now get the first shot the opponent's weak we then challenge we go through and this third gunfight is the one I was really kind of referring to.

So there's an opponent right in front of me. Jumping air probably isn't the best play because, I mean, I didn't expect them to be that close, but this is what I mean: sometimes you're going to get you're going to get caught off guard. We jump across, making him weak. As soon as I hit him with those two head shots, I'm now in a position where I don't need to challenge.

If okay, this is really important. If I didn't hit him here, let's say I didn't hit that opponent, and he just shot me right. I wouldn't have really, because I would be weak and at a disadvantage. But because I hit him with two head shots, let's back away because I hit him with two head shots right here.

You see I hit with two head shots he's so weak I'm going to carry on I'm going to commit to that gunfight, and you can see I'm able to kill him there and it's just about really controlling the gunfight when you have the Health Advantage so although that clip was with an AR you can see the same thing with a submachine gun just kind of using the aggression and just overall what you can do to have the advantage we go through we spot the first guy terrible shots from me there's a player on my left now we're going to slide in okay now right now it's a 50/50 gunfight we use some movement to our advantage, but this isn't the key gunfight, right now I'm thinking okay we're in a spot where let me back, back off slightly so my teammates go through we get two piece right but these are the last two if we back off against slightly we can see that my teammates get two kills, so I now know the last two opponents are this player right there and the player in the hill so as we go through and they get a trade we're basically in a 2v2.

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