News - How To Get Bot Lobbies Warzone 2. Sbmmoff Warzone 2 Vpn

how to get bot lobbies in

It cannot find a good skill based matchmaking lobby with a decent enough ping that you're actually going to play the game out what this can actually mean is you get better ping and better connection, than when playing normally because it's actually using a pure connection based algorithm now honestly i was under the impression that this would then basically mean that you don't always get easy lobbies it's just that you get kind of random lobbies because it's just basing purely off connection it's not trying to base it off of skill based it means you might get some really easy lobbies you might get some really hard lobbies with really good players, but, based on the results i'm about to show you you'll see that.

Proof that sbmmoff works!

Proof that sbmmoff works!

I get a lot of easy lobbies, so in order to get some actual data gathered that would show whether or not this vpn does actually what it says it's going to. I decided to jump into five consecutive games of. I believe, just battle royale solos without the VPN on, play them out a little bit just so I wasn't bringing down my kind of game quality by just hitting the ground every single time, and then I recorded the kds from them using the Warzone stats website.

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Wzstats gg and then i did the same thing so five more games but with the vpn connected to the strict nat japan server as you can see i'm a 1.3, kd player nothing special i'm getting better at the game i promise so with me having a kd over one it made sense that i was probably gonna get put in lobbies that had over a 1kd average and i did most of the part you see these five games here but yeah we're getting pretty much expected sbmm happening here we're getting what two 1.18, 1.14, 1.11 and then yeah that 0.99 which is a little bit skewed but overall, pretty similar kds so yeah then what i did is i turned on the vpn i jumped into another five games and i checked out the stats and what do you know, 0.9 and below kds across the board, basically, we had that one 0.99.

You can see there that kind of matches up with that one that was a bit skewed and a bit off in the previous, so if we remove both of those 0.99s, we've got one scenario where we're basically above 1.1 every game and the other scenario where we're basically below 0.9. If that's not good enough data to show how simple and effective this VPN actually is, then I don't know what it is, and there are loads of other VPN servers I could have connected to and tried out.

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I could have potentially tried out the Kazakhstan server and the India server, but I was just trying out one, and I got these results instantly.

Geofilter setup and explanation

Geofilter setup and explanation

how to get bot lobbies in without vpn

I was honestly very, very amazed , so that's showing that the VPN's doing exactly what we need it to. Now let's have a look at the geofilter. Which comes as part of the silver membership and the gold membership and it's really kind of the flagship product of sbmm off alongside the vpn so the geofilter kind of works similar to a netdoomer router these have done the rounds on the internet and people were talking about them they're basically routers that allow you to set only specific, kind of server locations that you can connect to that's basically what the geofilter, does but it does it all from your pc in an app rather than having to do things by buying a router and setting it on there for your whole network this is a far cleaner option the geofilter then allows us to basically cover two different scenarios or two different problems we may have if you're someone who just has high ping then you can set this so that you will only connect to servers in a certain area so this is really important i think for people who live in the us, more than people who live where i am in the uk.

In the UK. I always connect to good servers, but in the US, you might connect to a US East server when you're on US West, and that gives you a ping that you really don't want to be connecting to a US West server well using the geofilter. You can select us west and only be connecting to those servers, so better ping overall is the second thing that this allows you to do, and it can work in conjunction with the VPN.

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Is that me, for example, as a UK user who could connect to a US server, likely a US East server, because this does affect your ping? You're actually rooting your whole traffic through a completely different location, which means that if I'm playing at my peak time, which might be, I don't know, like, five or six p.m.

how to get easy lobbies in

Well, in the US, it's probably off peak time, there's not that many people playing, and there's overall probably worse people playing. I can connect to that server. I can have my VPN on as well to spoof the IP to be in a completely different geographical location, which really throws off the matchmaking.

And can chuck you in some pretty insanely, easy lobbies your ping does go higher using this method but connecting to us east and trying out i've only ever really hit around 100 ping which isn't as bad as you may think and sometimes, because it can put you in such easy lobbies it's actually worth the trade-off so i'll quickly show you how the geofilter works you can actually select the geofilter to specifically work for warzone vanguard or halo infinite and you can change between so if you play vanguard or you play halo infinite this also works for you too i've got it set up for warzone you'll have to select the game and then you'll choose where the file executable, is so if you run the war zone and then i say i'm in europe because i live in the uk.

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It then shows you this page and you select a region to connect to, so you've got all these general servers here like the us, you've got mixed europe i can also go to advanced search, and this is where i usually go because i can connect to united states east coast if i try and do the normal us, or, especially the us west coast i get really bad ping it's not really worth trying but i can connect to the us east coast to get kind of the easier lobbies at my peak time or i could connect to just uk and get really good ping because i'm never even connecting as far as Germany.

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