News - How To Get A "nuke" Warzone 2. Step By Step Tutorial

The hell ain't holding in ingredients. They went to the bomb site. They went to the bomb site and tried to defend it by throwing smoke and restocking. At this point, unfortunately, in our run, we failed to find a way to do it. In a perfect world, what is the goal? One person holds the ingredients.

how to nuke 2

One person pilots the big helicopter. With those two together, you have two more players who should fight off the bomb site or get high ground and make it safe for the person to implement the ingredients and then set the bomb, which is the most important part of that section. You get the bomb down is to hold high ground and just look at the bomb; there will be people shooting each other, that's fine; your only job is to kill people around you or at the bomb; so at this point, you could throw loads of smoke on the bomb and you could just walk up to it and eventually check it, check it from high ground, or use your streaks on it; easier said than done.

Remember, it is possible; it's absolutely possible, but you guys got to work together; it's an absolute team effort. The rewards for the nuke are super dope. I think they're worse than I thought. I wish we would have gotten a little bit more, but it is what it is. I'll do my best to help every single one of you.

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I want to see all of you guys get a nuke. It is an awesome feeling. It's not going to be easy, but keep grinding. All in all, I hope you guys have a good day. I'll catch you on the next

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