News - How To Fix Footstep Audio Warzone 2 Turn This Off

Extra application for best warzone 2 eq

So when that's not done, there is one last step we need to take, and it's a bit of a personal preference thing. It's going to add a nice EQ using an external application; unfortunately, this is a paid application, but I'm telling you it's 100 percent worth it. Head to your Microsoft Store, and you're going to download Dolby Access.

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Dolby Access as an application is free, but we're going to be utilizing Dolby Atmos within it to get some incredible sounds for gaming, so download it, launch it, and, when you get this panel that opens up, you'll see that it's 14 pounds and 24 dollars, so purchase the application. I actually haven't done that yet, but you get a seven-day trial when you first download it, so there's no reason you shouldn't go and get it and try it out and see if it helps you out, and then you can decide whether you want to buy it later on.

You go to settings, and then you've got this tab called "Game." Here, you just need to enable performance mode and then click apply. It says here that performance mode prioritizes positional accuracy for competitive gaming. Essentially, what this is doing is applying a default EQ. You can set up custom EQs down here, but I've tried a bunch and none of them sound as good as the default game one with performance mode on, and it really bumps those footsteps just that little bit, making them a little bit more crisp, and you can start to hear so many sounds that you've never heard before while playing Warzone 2.

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Just to make sure it's running, you'll need to come down to your sound icon once again like we did earlier, right-click it, and hover over spatial sound; you should have an option in here called Dolby Atmos 4 headphones. If this is ticked, you're all set, and when you want to turn this off along with the loudness equalization when you want to go back to doing some normal stuff, you just need to click this to off.

Then you'll see here that it says enable Dolby Atmos to access the settings at the moment it's turned off so we can come back in here with spatial sound and Dolby Atmos. We're back up and running, so running that loudness equalization along with the Dolby Atmos plus the in-game settings that I gave you earlier is going to give you the best sound you've had in Warzone 2.

What to watch next?

What to watch next?

If you haven't watched it already, you need to go and check out my previous article, where I covered a bunch of settings you probably didn't even know that you really should change within Warzone, a lot of stuff that's going to enable you to just play the game a lot better and improve your gameplay, so yeah, go check that one out next.

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