News - How To Beat The New Dark Aether Without Killing One Zombie Warzone 2 Zombies Solo

You know. Jod said something the other day on his podcast, where he was saying that with the new Black Ops game when it comes out, most likely what Treyarch is going to do is they're just going to continue. Modern Warfare Zombies are like their open-world zombie mode as well, so essentially, instead of getting like an outbreak 2.0 or something like that, we're going to just end up getting like a new addition to Modern Warfare Zombies.


Maybe they'll switch up the name and just call it Black Ops zombies, or we'll just get a different operation name, like instead of Operation Deadbolt, it'll be Operation Something else is happening now, and for me personally. I absolutely love this idea. I think open-world zombies are absolutely amazing.

I loved the outbreak, and I actually love Modern Warfare Zombies even more. I did think that things like the bosses, the Easter egg, and stuff like that in the outbreak were infinitely better than what we have in Modern Warfare Zombies. There are just certain things about this mode that make it very addictive and fun and make you want to continuously come back in.

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I do believe that once Treyarch takes back over the mode and their game is in full swing, they're going to be putting some more of their own little twists and stuff on it, and we may see some somewhat big changes happen in this game. The only thing that stinks is having to wait out, like the next four seasons, to go through, most likely, recycling.


Content just please guys tell me you got like a major finale bought and let us play on like one other map like let us play on Fortune's keep or maybe rebirth Island when we get that like that would be cool maybe a few like more schematics and stuff like that along the way as well, but look at that we got our very last contract done and we did end up going down right here but that's all right we do have two self reses is on us out of this contract we ended up getting the blood burner keys and we got another Elder sigil which I don't need three of these things in the stash now we're going to head on over to our xville, and try to get the hell out of here there's going to be a lot of zombies trailing us up here don't be afraid to do a little parkour, if you have to just always be prepared for when you turn a corner for there to be a zombie right there I can't tell you how many times I've just been hauling ass somewhere and all of a sudden I turn a corner and boom it's like I hit a brick wall of three zombies.


All right, boys, now I know there boys now I know there is a couple other X fills. I know there's one that was actually way closer to us than that last contract. I've just become very acquainted with going to those ones yet, so I just wanted to be safe and make it up here to this one, but yeah, not a bad run at all, guys.

We ended up getting some pretty damn good loot. We got the blood burner keys, we got a dog bone, we got two VR1., we got a refined crystal, plus we got the mags of holding pretty damn good run, if I do say so myself, and we were able to do all of this without killing one single zombie. If you can, let's really kick this one's ass into the YouTube algorithm.

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I hope you have a wonderful day, and I'll catch you in the next.

Today we complete the new dark aether without killing a single zombies here in season 2 reloaded. I appreciate the support everyone! - Ghost. Membership Link.
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