News - How Changing Playstyles Can Win You More Games Warzone 2 Rankes Play


Today we're close to Plat 3, so we're doing a live com on a subbase. Hardo Let's see how we do. Hopefully we can get a win and fry out, man. Starting off, we're going to go to the top third. You guys know how deadly the top third is and how important it is for the start of the game, so we're going to go through Okay, my teammate's gone to the right, which is perfect.

Actually, okay, someone's on the left. We baited them in, and he got a good angle on me. I thought I could catch him off guard, but, to be honest, it was a pretty obvious prediction from him, so I just played that pretty badly going through here. Now they're going to be on the P5 side. They're going to be on the right.

So my teammate spawns on the right. They're going to go through the tunnel. Now, my job is just to help them out as quickly as possible. Possible perfect They're going to come through the tunnel and P5, now are they going to SP behind me? Potentially, they shouldn't; they should come through P5.

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The only thing is that if someone sneaks through, they can spoon behind me. The problem is, I'm kind of tweaking right now because my teammate just died around me. I need to gain some confidence here. Here, get both of them weak. I'm playing like a searcher, and St. R i need to lock in and start getting some shots off, so guy through the front, there's one almost getting the second.


Okay, we're starting to warm up. I don't know why, at the start, I was kind of overthinking a little bit too much, and I could already tell I was in my own head, so definitely that's not how you want to play. You want to be a bit more confident and aggressive, cutting those lanes off. Okay, so now I know that I'm not going to do the same thing.

Get this guy a bit weak. He's going to CH me. Good, great shots from him. He basically turns on me—four of them. I'm going to the spa at the back there. This is still really good for us. We're spawning on the new Hardo. I'm going to go to the far right here and try to lock in the right side here.

So if we go through, I know they're going to come through the middle right now, so I just hold the angle so there's one through the front again. This is what I mean by confidence, so I need to get this kill. Just stop them from rotating around; it looks like they snuck through. So what is happening right now?


There are a lot of gaps in our setup, so I need to lock in. I need to lock in that guy's. There's one i'm just going to hold back for a second. A second teammate should be able to holsecondfront. I'm holding the right. He's on top as well, so I'm just going to hold his top for a second. Just go to the left.

Hold the top, and there you go. Massive two-piece third's absolute one shot My teammate should get the trade on him. There you go. He gets a trade. I think the last guy's actually in the contest spot on the left-hand side, which is not ideal, but I'm just going to push through to the new hard point.

Here, yeah, he's Lally chilling in contest B. If you guys know, it's definitely a broken one; a broken one shouldn't be in the game, but yeah, people are abusing it in rank play. Man, people do anything for the SR man, so that one's lonely and broken. But anyways, yeah, going through okay, although I'm not frying myself, my team's doing pretty well.

Let's go through the right-hand side, going to hold the angle; there's a couple of them at the back. Here, I'm just going to try to distract from a huge kill. I'm not going to go through it from the same angle because I know they're watching it. I'm going to reposition, go through the left, and that guy's going to come.

From that guy's middle map, although they've got the heal right now, we're doing a good job of keeping them off it, like this hill is such a big body. Hill and we kept them off for 30 seconds, so that's actually great from us. Someone's going to be watching the huge shots on the one they're literally spawning on his head right there, so right now we need to just rotate and lock into P5 1, 000%.

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That's what we need to do. Someone's actually behind my teammate; my teammate does die for him, so I'm going to watch the top pair. Kill that guy again. All about looking at the mini map and identifying who's open, Get a good two-piece great twopiece The last guy is going to be in the top third right there, so hopefully my teammates can pick him up.

I'm going to go through the server. I don't actually like going through the server, but I should be able to cut a few of them. Off, for example, that guy on top, I'm just going to cut him off here. I'm going to go through, slide cancel round; he shouldn't expect this; he shouldn't. You see, he's yeah; they're literally on this side here.

I'm going to slide. Across, there's one; there's literally two more there. If I knew they were there, I would have played a little bit smarter, but my teammate and I end up getting the trade that guy gets a huge threepiece and we're going to go through okay, perfect. They should be spawning back P5 now and tunnel, so I'm going to watch tunnel for my team, stun, and a tunnel even that, right there.

I thought I played the angle slightly better, but you see, my nade kills him. I knew exactly where they were going to spawn—the same thing they're going to spawn here again, stun and a, it just holds it. I'm still going to hold it from this. Side, so one's down, the other guy's going to be on top here, and someone's literally behind me, so I knew they were spawning in front of me there, but the only problem was we didn't have all the angles covered right, so that's where people can sneak through, and it's all about the timing of the escape.

Once big, big kill there on the P1 on the P2. Sorry, where is he? He looks like he's in our corner. There are two waiting for my teammate to help me out a bit. I thought my teammates would be able to get some cover shots there, but it didn't work out all that well. Though there are 25 seconds left, let's start rotating to P2.

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Now we're playing perfect node, but we're starting to warm up a bit. Play a bit. It's better there's a guy out the window as well, going to hold the window. He's probably going to push the back door, so we actually end up sneaking through, so you can see that's how you kind of know when you're snuck through, because nobody's really checking this right side.

See the guy right there? That's exactly what I mean, so right there I knew I snuck through purely because no one was really checking the angle either. They should be through the back door. To be honest with you, they should be coming through the back door, sir. Again, that's fine. We don't really care about those spawns.

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