News - General Shepherd's Death - Warzone 2 Vs Warzone 2i

captain price kills shepherd

Up I thought I told you this was a one-way trip, but it looks like it still is. They'll be looking for us enough to get B. Here I know it, place, we owe a debt of gratitude to our task force and to the Ulf for our success against Vladimir Marov and his private army. Much has been said about the Ulf, Far Kareim, and her soldiers, a terror organization.

Far Kareim is and always has been an ally of the United States and our Western partners in the region. How did Commander Kareem obtain American armor? For nearly a decade, I sent weapons to Commander Kareem to support her missions against Alcat and Russian incursions into Ekhan. Were those shipments legal?

In order to save lives, I commissioned illegal shipments with funds I approved. quiet, please, General Shephard. In October 2022, did you authorize Shadow Company to fire on a task force under your command in Las Vegas, Mexico? No, I did not. Mr graves, were you given orders to use lethal force against TF1?

Yes, I was quiet in this chamber. Who gave you those orders? General Hel Shephard, did you act on those orders? Mr graves, no, absolutely not, sir, quiet. Quiet [__] me. I stabbed each other in the back, still saving their own skins, every man for himself. That's the difference between us, and then we're going to let this stand, boss.

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The best way to end the war is to win it. No, prisoners hunting, Commander you too, Captain Nick, take far back, William straight away, Captain right, just prep for Xville, we're going. Captain, we both agree that this job is about making sacrifices for the greater good. If you get a body count of your own, John, it'll come back to haunt you.

I am not going to beg for my life from you or anybody else; Captain wouldn't do you any.

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