News - Free. Regal. Blueprint Unlock Warzone. All 7 Fortunes Keep Easter Eggs & How To Do Them

all 7 easter eggs guide on fortunes keep

You only need to interact with the first flag to start it, but for the rest of the flags, you simply have to run over them to collect them, which will spawn the next one. Like I said, you only have a short amount of time to get from one flag to the next, so time is really of the essence here. If you don't get one of the flags fast enough, you can head back up to that starting point and try it again. Once you run over that final flag, which is a checked flag, you'll be rewarded with every single available zombie power-up in the game, which is pretty cool.

The vault easter egg

The vault easter egg

The next Easter egg we're going to look at is the vault treasure hunting Easter egg, so for this one, what you need to do is head to the main Ke building and then go to this room where there's a big throne.

Interact with and light the two torches that are on either side of the throne, and once both of these are lit up, you want to crouch on the actual throne itself. In front of you, you'll see a secret staircase open up. Head down that staircase itself, and this will take you down to the entrance to the vault room.

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But to actually open the vault itself, you'll need to find something in this room that will produce fire, so either a Molotov or a thermite grenade will work just fine. You want to throw one of these items at the vault door itself, and you'll notice that these circle parts of the vault door will light up, and each of these correlates to more of these fire torches that are around the room, so if the circle lights up, you need to light the torch that is in that position, and if it doesn't light up, then you need to leave those particular torches unlit, or if they're already lit, then interact with them to snuff them out.

Once you've lit up the correct torches that the door tells you to, a small platform will lift up in the center of this room, and then to finally open the vault, you just need to stand on this. Inside, there's a ton of golden weapons, golden loot crates, and a ton of loot for you to use in that game, plus you'll also unlock this weapon decal, which can be used with any weapon that you want.

Dragon stirs easter egg

Dragon stirs easter egg

The seventh and final Easter egg that we're going to take a look at is the dragon-stirred Easter egg. For this one, you need to power up the lighthouse and then redirect the beam of light so it reaches the main building. So to power up the lighthouse, you need to find a gas canister, which can be found randomly at one of these locations around the Lighthouse Point of Interest itself.

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Once you find a gas can, you then need to head to the top of the lighthouse and interact with this generator to turn it on. This will turn on the light of the lighthouse, and the light itself will be spinning around. By interacting with this big box next to the generator, you need to stop this light so it's pointing out of the window you can see on screen.

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Once you've done that, the light still needs to be redirected a few more times, and to do this, you need to find three mysterious items that you can get from three different tower viewers around the map, and you then need to place those items on the bird's nests near where you find each of them. So one of these tower viewers is located just on the side of this cliff face here, next to the building that is across the way from the lighthouse itself.

To get the mysterious item from it, you simply need to mallet the viewer itself. Once you've picked it up, the closest location to place it is on the roof of the building. Right here, next to it, you'll see the bird's nest just sitting here on top of the vent. Another Tower View location is just here in front of the winery, on the side that is closest to the LI house point of interest.

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After picking up the item, you can turn around and go up the trailer scene to get to the side of the building, and then there'll be another piece of triline again you can use to get to the top, and you'll see the bird's nest right here on the edge of the roof. The last Tower Viewer location is just here at the point of interest, right next to the Keep.

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Once you've maled it and collected that mysterious item, jump across to the building next to it, and again, there'll be some tracing that you can climb up. Head to the end of the building, and there'll be a ladder that you can climb to get to the very top. The bird's nest will just be on the edge of the roof here.

Once the light tower has been activated, the light from it has been stopped facing the right direction, and all three mysterious items have been placed. The Easter egg will be complete, and for being a part of the team that completes the last step of this Easter egg, you'll unlock the Crimson worm camo, which is an awesome dragon scale-looking camo that you can use on any gun that you want to, so you can do any of these seven Easter eggs in whichever order that you'd like to.



Sadly, there isn't really a way to check your progress on which ones you have and haven't done, so you'll have to kind of keep a mental note of which ones you still need to do. After completing the final Easter IG, though, you will get the fortune keep mastery notification on screen telling you that you've completed all seven Easter eggs and have unlocked the Regal

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