News - Free Animated Operator & Camo, Secret Season 1 Changes & More. Warzone 2 Season 1 Update



Welcome back to a brand new article today. What I got for you guys is that we're going to go over and talk about some things that you may not know about the season 1 update. It is live right now. You guys have probably already played a couple games, but.

Mw3 stats reset error

Let's go ahead and get into today's news.

The first thing that you need to know is that there is an error going on when you first load up the game. It's going to say that your stats are going to be fully reset, and are you sure you want to go through with it as crazy as it sounds? Press yes because this apparently is only a visual error and you're not going to lose anything.

I did it myself. My stats and level all stayed the same; the only thing that I can say is that for PC players. Your loadouts will be reset, so that means all the class setups that you have are going to be reset. I noticed some of my friends on the console didn't get reset. While most of them on PC did so, this might be just a platform thing, but everyone else should not have any issue in terms of levels being removed.

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Or anything like that; there's also an issue with the battle pass, where if you own the Vault Edition, they weren't giving you black cells. I noticed that you may just need to restart your app a couple of times, and that did fix it for me, but if it does tell you that you need to purchase the battle pass and you have the Vault Edition, don't purchase it.

Just be patient and wait. Try to restart your app, and hopefully that will fix the issue for you. But those are just some things to take note of when you load up the game.

Unlock all armory unlocks bug

Unlock all armory unlocks bug

Now the second topic that I want to talk about is very important because the armory unlocks I know a lot of you guys are probably very annoyed with how that system works, where you need to get wins and complete daily challenges in order to be able to unlock attachments.

Aftermarket, parts kill streaks, and so much more. It's the way that you pretty much get everything. There's a bug going on. I'm not sure if it's intentional or not. I'm going to call it a bug where if you play one match of War Zone, you can get like five to six armory unlocks. In one game, it depends, I guess, maybe on the eliminations you get or maybe on the placement that you get.

I'm not exactly sure how it tracks, but as I've been playing the game. I ended up realizing that I had like 50 armory unlocks that were given to me in the duration of just two or three games, so play War Zone. If you want to end up getting everything unlocked, go into the armory unlocks. All the items that you really want, first make sure you add them to the queue.

I believe you can add like three of them to the queue once you play the games, and I bet you'll probably end up unlocking them in one match, and then just keep repeating the process so that way you unlock everything that you prefer. First, and then everything else can come later, but this will probably help you unlock everything in just one day.

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Take advantage of these bigger news outlets and YouTubers, such as Charlie Intel Modern War Zone; they have already tweeted this and are followed by many developers. So if it is unintentional, It's probably going to end up getting fixed right away anyway; that's what you need to know in regards to that.

Free animated nuke operator skin

Free animated nuke operator skin

The next thing that I want to go over and talk about is going to be the season 1 new Quest operator that was officially revealed by Raven earlier. There were brand new operator skins being leaked over on Twitter, and one of them was speculated to be the nuke operator skin because it sort of looked like the one that we had in Al Mazra, except rather than that bluish color that it had, this one was a little orange.

Charlie Intel ended up posting a photo of that, and Raven actually responded to that and said. I'm not exactly sure what that is, but expect this one later on in season 1, and they ended up showcasing our first look at this brand new nuke operator skin. This is going to be completely free to unlock.

The only bad news is that it's actually going to be very hard because you're going to need to complete a new contract. There are two ways you can do that. The first is that you will need to get five wins in a row in a battle royale to extend your playlist. Once you do that, you're going to have the new Quest activate you'll need to go into the game do the new contract completed, and you will end up being able to unlock this skin the second way is you can steal it from someone who already ended up getting the five wins and is currently working on it in your lobby you have to go over there you have to eliminate them and once you do that you'll be able to activate the new Quest completed, and you'll get the rewards as well currently in game right now you're not able to do that this is probably something that's going to be dropping in with the mid-season update. They just decided to reveal it and showcase it earlier here for us today, but once we have more details on that, if there's going to be an animated weapon blueprint involved with it, exactly what you have to do in the quest itself and all that information will be revealed later on speaking of leaked operators and skins There's actually an animated character that was revealed to be coming into the game at some point.

New animated camo & camo updates

New animated camo & camo updates

We're unsure right now how exactly you're going to be able to unlock this, but this is definitely one of their crazier animated camos. As you can see, the speed of the animation and the way that it looks are definitely a little bit unique. It's not like the standard type of camos that we've seen from free rewards.

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Or from doing the weekly challenges or completing the events that they've had here in the game, this one is completely different. This could be an event reward for the upcoming events that we have with the holiday theme and all that, so we're not exactly sure how you're going to get it as of right now, but this is something that was leaked, and I just wanted to share it with you guys.

animated camo update

We also received a new update with the existing camos that we have in the game. All the match-animated camos actually got an update to make them a little bit more animated than they were in the last update. This is the first game for multiplayer; this is Interstellar. This is what it looks like now with the animation and speed, and trust me, it's not sped up.

The article is not edited in any way. This is exactly how the camo actually looks now, so the camo is super fast; it's even more animated. Do you think this is worth grinding for even harder now? But the next camo that got an update was the Borealis; the speed has also been raised, so now it's even more animated than it was previously.

FREE Animated Operator Camo, SECRET Season 1 Changes MORE! Modern Warfare 3 Season 1 Update.
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