News - Fennec 45 Warzone 2 Guide. Class Setup (kriss Vector)

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Pretty much all the muzzles are going to lower mobility, so if you're sticking to a more regressive loadout, you might want to avoid them. The barrels are going to suit the Fenik quite well overall by giving you bonuses for hip fire and a minor regard reduction, two things that can help the gun's performance for In general play in short and longer range fights, the VX pineapple and F-Tech tiger are the ones for doing this at the expense of slightly slower movement and added speeds, and, because the Venick is generally a gun designed to be used closer to the action, a laser is practically a no-brainer with this gun offering better maneuverability or hip fire without much of a trade-off apart from some of those lasers being visible.

Select a close-range optic if you're going for an offensive class or a mid-range reflex sight if you've gone with an extended barrel to boost range, though if you're fine with the iron sights, these are going to give you the best performance within shorter Sidelines having no mobility nerfs, with the Venic prone to deleting its ammunition very quickly.

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I definitely recommend adding a 45-round magazine on there, which will slightly affect your overall movement speeds, because those extra 15 shots are going to come in really handy and make you less vulnerable when you need to take on a few enemies in quick succession, which, in Modern Warfare 2, happens a lot.


If you want to boost mobility to the max at the expense of recoil, which will make it tricky to use, Beyond those closer ranges, go for a stock attachment like the F-Task stock app or the Assault 7. Though with the pheonix of intelligible shots on target beyond close range as it is. I generally prefer something like the X-command stock instead to give you more control when firing and tighten up those shot groupings; the stipple grip will also help to do this, at the expense of more sway, though the rubber one will help to maximize its CQC performance.



In conclusion, the Panic 45 is unsurprisingly the bullet hose in Modern Warfare 2.

It's bringing close-range targets with hot lead to put them down in the blink of an eye, generally suiting aggressive playstyles by putting all of its eggs in one basket and prioritizing speed overpower and accuracy. This gives the gun the ability to meld enemies in CQC and turn them into swiss cheese in a matter of milliseconds, though straight just a little bit outside of the Phoenix comfort zone, and you will start to notice those kill times increasing due to the lack of power over range combined with the gun's lack of accuracy causing more shots at target due to the recoil, although its lower traveling bullets therefore turning the tides in your opponent's favor.

fennec 45

It goes without saying that close quarters is where the gun is truly going to shine, not only having some very competitive kill times here but also having quicker than average ad times and generally decent mobility stats, as well as being highly effective when shooting from the hip. The fact that it uses subsonic ammo in those kill schools is also a nice little bonus for playing Behind Enemy Lines.

Ened With all this said, 30 rounds might sound like plenty of ammo to get the job done. but you do need to be aware of how quickly that ammo diminishes every time you squeeze the trigger, often forcing you to reload at times where you really don't want to be forced to reload, leaving you with your pants down and running off to find some nearby cover.

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In a way, this makes the Venic a bit more of a situational-type visual war weapon, having tons of power that can be devastating when played to its potential but also something that can punish you when you're not aware of its limitations. I do hope you enjoyed the guide. I'll be seeing you in the next

MW2 Fennec 45 Kriss Vector complete guide, including stats, Fennec 45 class setup gunsmith and more for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 CoD Warzone 2. 0 [The Fennec 45 is an SMG in MW2 based on the Kriss Vector]. MW2 FENNEC 45 GUIDE Class Setup Kriss Vector - Modern Warfare 2 CoD Warzone 2. [All COD MW2 Fennec 45 gameplay featured in the guide was captured on PS5].
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