News - Faster Tombstone Duplication Glitch Solo Item Dupe Season 2 Warzone 2 Zombies "new

Play the game normally; don't worry about Tombstone. Don't worry about keeping Essence successfully filled. Wherever you want to go to the dark ether, go do ElderSigil any of those things. Now you can do that for the next what, week, or two weeks, and then when your items start getting low, bring all the items again you want to duplicate.

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Bring one Tombstone and repeat the process eight at a time, and so it's taking the already existing method and just making it faster and more efficient, so anytime you need to duplicate. Stop for a second, and bring a tombstone. Your eight items run for two rounds. Now you have 16 more items for the next while, and anytime you're getting close to having only nine tombstones left, you bring in another nine tombstones.

Duplicate those once or twice, and you're good for another 3 or 4 weeks. By adding up those tombstones, you can now create and duplicate your own tombstones very easily. You only have to set it up that one time whenever you need to, so you'll always have the Tombstone soda ready. This prevents you from having to run the contract every single round, having to find the Tombstone soda dispenser, and buying that every single round every time you want to come in and duplicate, and also keeps your inventory completely.

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FASTER Tombstone Duplication Glitch SOLO ITEM DUPE SEASON 2 MW3 Zombies NEW.
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