News - Easy Sbmm Fix. Call Of Duty Warzone 2

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Ladies and gentlemen This is Rick, and today I'm bringing you guys a brand new article. Let's try to get 50 likes, and let's get into it, man. I got an easy spmm fix, man, if you guys have not heard of the new game X to find out if you guys haven't heard what they're doing within skill-based matchmaking.

It is something that Call of Duty should have been doing. Since the beginning, this is something I think is one of the easiest things that could be put into the game for Call of Duty and for future Call of Duty, and I don't think anybody would actually have a problem with this, so here we go. So within the new Exify game, you are going to be having skill-based matchmaking up until Level 25.

I believe I could be wrong. I remember saying this. I'll try to find the tweet and make sure I put it up in here, but until Level 25, there is skill-based matchmaking that makes sense from the second you start the game, and until you get more experience, they're skill-based matchmaking that allows you to learn the game, allows you to learn the mechanics, allows you to learn the guns, the maps, all that good stuff, makes sense right, and as you do better within those games, you play a little better people.

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If you're doing terrible in those games, you're playing worse players, but once you reach level 25, and everything after that, it's like all right, it's like you're growing up, you're getting older within the world, and your parents are now saying. Hey, you got to move out of the house, you got to be on your own, same thing within the article game, you got to go out, you got to try to get better if you face better people, you got to learn how to get better.

If you face terrible people, it's your lucky day. It's like that in normal life, and that's why what I love about X-Defy is that it is now up to you to determine how much better you want to get in the game. Do you want to do more research? Do you want to do more practice? Do you want to play more to get better?


That's what it should be like in Call of Duty, from level one to level 55. You should have skill-based matchmaking. I'm fine with that. I'm fine with it, but after level 55, it should be just based on connection; you get to play against whoever has a connection as good as you. If you want to play somebody better, you have to get better and try to beat them.

If you play somebody worse, you got lucky. Lobby, it's that simple. Now again, I'm going to go and point out that skill-based matchmaking has decreased. I don't care what anybody says. I am facing so many different types of levels; it's insane. One time, I'm going to show a screenshot right here.

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One time I got a lot of level 250s. In the lobby, this was like the second game of the day, and after that, it was a lot of level 40s, 80s, and hundreds. Crazy differences within skill-based matchmaking If I don't show the screenshot, it must have been lost. I screenshotted it on PS5. I don't know how it works, but I'm telling you, man, skill-based matchmaking is different, but this easy fix, within defiant if it were put in Call of Duty, would make the game so much better.

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I feel like everybody would be happy. Everybody who loves skill-based matchmaking will be able to accept it, and everybody who hates skill-based matchmaking will be able to accept it because it makes more sense. It's kind of like when you get older, like I was talking about with the parents pushing you out of their house, you are in their house, let's say, from age zero the second you're born, to 18 years old, you are now going to college or you are now going to get a job, you will have to be on your own, you have to be able to do it yourself, nobody's able to help you any more, it is up to you.

Same thing within the article game from level one to level 55 in Call of Duty and from level one to level 25 in Exify. Your parents are helping you out through life; they're helping you learn things; they're helping you eat; they're helping you learn how to talk and how to do your math homework, whatever it may be.


Their algorithm In Call of Duty, their algorithm is helping you by giving you easier lobbies so you can learn how to shoot the gun, how to move around, how to use the mechanics, and all that good stuff, but the second you reach that level, wipe your hands; it's all up to you now. There's no Mommy and Daddy help; there's no help from Sledgehammer Games; there's no help from ex-defiant; zero help After that, it is as simple as that.

I feel like that is one of the best things that can happen within Call of Duty because then it goes back to Old Call of Duty. After that, everyone's going to be racing to level 55 because they're going to want to be in those normal lobbies, and after that, it's going to be a great experience. It's so simple, it's so simple, and then everybody that's doing reverse boosting can't reverse boost; it's just going to be based off connection and all that good stuff, and it's going to be a blast.

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It is literally going to be a blast; everything about it is going to be fun. Nobody's going to be bitching and complaining because getting to level 55 wasn't too hard, and after that, it's all up to you, man. Have a great day, enjoy the easy lobbies, sweat in the harder lobbies, and you're going to have a blast.

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It's so simple, man, and like, the fact that I have to bring this up is the fact that other people can't bring this up within Activision within Sledgehammer Games, and they can't make a simple fix. Hey, like I said, I think they did something with skill-based marketing. I would applaud them if they did, but it's just my personal experience.

Some people are saying I'm wrong. A lot of people are saying I'm right. Who knows but in my experience, it seems like a lot of fun. They could have done better, but you know what? You know what I mean, man. Should they do this? Should they take it out completely? Should they keep it in completely?

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I would love to hear your input again. Let's have a blast with that man. I hope you guys enjoy it.

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