News - Easiest Way To Get All The Best Loot Warzone 2 Zombies Solo Guide


This is the only time that I went down in here. I was actually pretty surprised about that, but that's what we bring in all these self-revivals and stuff for, but we were finally able to hold these guys off for long enough, and what do you know? This thing gave us not only the mags of holding schematics, but it also gave us the mags of holding acquisition, so we're going to head ahead and put that in our backpack, and we're going to leave the schematic right here because we already got those, and now it's going to be time to go and start our very last contract, which is going to be those ether extractors, and these ones are honestly going to be a breeze.

The location of this bunny is going to be on the very tippy top of the mall, and there are a few ways that we can get up here, especially if you don't have that scorcher. Case now, the first way is going to be through the parking garage, and you guys can hop on the roof that way, and then there's also going to be the way that I'm going to show you right here.

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Now I particularly like to come this way because right as I'm running by, there's going to be an ammo station that is right up against the mall, and I like to hit that thing to refill on my decoys, so we're going to hit this ammo refill thing right here, and then you can see there's going to be a truck directly.


In front of us, all we're going to do is hop up on this truck and then hop up on the boxes and up on the roof. There's going to be a little ladder that's just to your left. Go ahead and take that ladder, and then go across the roof once you get up there. Once you get to the very top, run along the edge until you're over the top of the parking garage.

Run along the edge of the mall until you get to the front, and then you should be able to see where you can clearly hop up to the very top of the roof once we get up here to the bunny. I'm going to go ahead and pull up that map one more time just to show you guys the exact location, and it's going to be at I6.

But I have to say this one is pretty hard to miss now. I kind of got extremely lucky right here because I was thinking to myself. I'm like, well, my field upgrade isn't quite ready yet, and I only have two decoys, grenades, and I'm out of monkey bombs and everything, so what else am I going to do?


I shot a crystal right here, and I've been extremely lucky. Lucky enough, I got a monkey bomb from this crystal right here. Just extreme luck, but that does go to show if you guys are needing something like a tactical or if you need monkey bombs or stuff like that, make sure you shoot these crystals.

You never know what can pop out of them. Go ahead and get this first one done here with the monkey bomb. I don't know about you guys, but it feels like these ether extractors are a little bit more crowded with enemies than the ones in the first AR ether. We're going to make our way over to the second one here, and I don't know about you guys.

I really wish these things weren't as buggy as well, especially when I'm running low on self-recess and stuff like that. They're still going to be trying to, you know, be wacky with their cannons, and that can definitely hurt, so just definitely stay on your guard, but you guys should be okay to get these things handled and done with, and like, even with this last one, right when you see how it ended up, did you see that big ass horde of zombies that was right behind it?


That's kind of crazy, so finally, after getting this contract done, it ended up dropping us the blood burner key. We have an epic ether tool and a perk now that we have all three of these contracts. Done let's go ahead and go head-on up to that extraction. Now the one extraction that I've been able to find is the one that is up on the hill by the mall.

I'd love to know about them, but I think that's going to be about it, guys. They had a pretty damn good run here; not only were we able to farm up some of those new schematics, but we also got a bunch of those acquisitions. And we even got some of the previous classified acquisitions from the old dark ethers, so you can apparently get all of the acquisitions from both of the dark ethers from this one, making this probably the most efficient run for farming up the best loot.

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So yeah, I appreciate everybody who checked out the article again. Thank you all so much. I'm going to edit this up and take my ass to bed. I am tired. Drop a like on the article. If anybody is new, have a wonderful rest of your day, and I will catch you guys in the next.One,

Today we look at the best way to get all the best loot in MWZ after season 2 reloaded update. I appreciate all the support everyone! - Ghost. Membership Link.
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