News - Diazbiffle Only Gets 7 Kills Warzone 2. Natural Gameplay Exposed

badboy beaman

The best shot anybody has ever seen. Let's find out a couple of things to point out here, like the fact that he's playing with Lucky Shamu and the pools are people he regularly plays with, so it's not like he's in with other creatives so he's not used to having that like team bonding with whilst playing Call of Duty games, so let's see how he does Jordan this game today; this is the first time Diaz has gotten to play War Zone 2, and we're going to see whether or not he can maintain that high level of mobility; we're going to see whether or not he's got that high level of Call of Duty game sense; you know, this is somebody who's been classed as an absolute prodigy when it comes to Call of Duty gameplay through, war zone one being, able to drop ridiculously.

High-kill games—being able to snap onto enemies in an aimbot-like manner—let's see if he can hold that up in Warzone too. What are we expecting in a year? How many kills do you think he's going to get? There's a guy in the sky; did you see that natural recoil? The visual recoil of that gun wasn't able to be maintained, so he wasn't able to use his laser-like ability to aim like he normally does in a war zone.

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I honestly think that the natural vehicle that you see on these guns is perfect; it's going to literally point out to anybody using any form of cheats whether to be aimbus whether it be aimbus or an anti-recoil script like Sticky Aim on Acronis, that these things will all be extremely noticeable. There are a couple of shots you've got to remember with this as well; there will be an extreme bullet drop on the weapons as well; they're going to be completely different from one another in that aspect.

badboy beaman nadia

It's very good to see as well that a lot of these creators really struggled when it came to playing wall jump, trying to understand the loot system, trying to understand the rotations of a new map, but most of all trying to control the recoil of the guns. You have to remember as well that in Warzone One every time a new gun or weapon was incorporated into the game or a new weapon, these guys didn't have any struggles whatsoever.

Lane and the recoil pattern of those guns, as well as every weapon in Warzone One, actually had different recoil patterns. If you don't believe me when I say that, go and check out Jay God's channel because he literally shows a lot of the recoil patterns of all of these metas that he puts out. When you break plates on this, it will tell you that individual plates are broken okay, whereas in war zone one, it would only tell you the plates are broken after you've broken all of them.

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So a lot of people might die from that sword or anything, and they've broken their enemies' plates, but really they've only broken one. I'm seeing something completely different, and I'm seeing the ash before missing shots. I see him not controlling the recoil. I'm seeing him play extremely cautiously and not push anything even with sound cues, which is something they always use as an excuse when they push in Warzone 1.

Now, this is going to be a benchmark of what the aspectful did on his first time playing Warzone 2, and moving forward, we will always come back to this to see whether or not his aim changes or whether or not his game awareness changes. Of course there will be some changes, but we will notice a drastic change, won't we?

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I mean, they all play and, like they normally will, buy new weapons and push into the next enemy. It's not something we've seen from any other players so far, but still, at this point, there's only been one kill in the game, by the looks of it. Of course, no one's ever going to go into the first game of War Zone and drop like 40 bombs; are they talking about War Zone 2 anyway?

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And it does take a little bit of time to master the recoil control on certain weapons, but. There are 53 left with him only on two kills; it's not like he's just standing around, though he is pushing out in the middle of the open right. Just nowhere near as fast-paced as he normally would , surprising.

Hey, that was a nice play, wasn't it? Putting the inflatable out and then standing behind the door—that's Daisy. Do you know what it's like now that the game developers have almost incorporated it? like a different style feature, remember when you used to spray paint a person on a wall, and then someone would come in and shoot the wall thinking it was a person, and you'd be like standing in another position?

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Do you think Ashton Biffle is performing like he normally does? Do you think he's still showing the same level of confidence in his gameplay? Do you think he's pushing teams as he normally would, or do you think he's playing quite late and sort of settling in? Maybe I don't know a slow-paced gamer who's a little bit worried about interaction; look, for example, at the guy who just took an absolute hell of a shot and almost died.

Left, it's holding this position nicely and stuff. You know, you know, nobody's ever doubted that Diaz Bethel could play the game; he's always been good at it; it's just that unnatural aim that he has whilst he's playing War Zone One; it's just like night and day watching him on this. It's not like he hasn't gotten used to the guns on Modern Warfare 2, like I mentioned earlier, so we should be able to control the recoil on these weapons over here.

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So even with the cast of 74u, which is probably going to be meta in Warzone right because it's unbelievably overpowered in Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, he was still missing a couple of shots and still having that natural recoil. You could see the visual recoil of the gun as well. There are so many things to take into consideration here, but it shows a natural gameplay experience happening.

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There are two teams left on them, so, okay, it's 3v3, now 3v3. Was nice shots, took his shots, dipped down plates up, got a rotation on a different angle, and finished that guy, and there's a nice play to be fair, wasn't it? That was a very nice play. They actually won the game, but they won it with Diaz before getting seven kills; we actually saw Hayden recently dropping.

Nine Kills so this is the last bit for somebody with the best aim in the world and he got seven kills We sort of missed a lot of shots we fired at him because he was very reclusive in his gameplay and didn't really want to push much, and we saw him getting shot quite a lot in the ass. Biffle still looks like he has outstanding gameplay in War Zone 2, but it is definitely night and day compared to his War Zone 1 gameplay.

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If you want to go and compare this gameplay that you've seen today to his old War Zone gameplay, you will honestly see the difference. The recoil control, the visual recoil on his guns, the game awareness, the game sense, how much he gets shot at, and so on are all things that he would say about Diaz Biffle that make him a great player.

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