News - Crash Site Veteran Difficulty (no Deaths) Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Part 6


We need to update you on the breaking news of a Russian passenger jet that crashed in the passengers, and although it may have been deliberately crashed, the voice recorder that is a crucial part of the inves article from Passenger cell phones could also shatter after a missile attack on an AR military base suffered massive casualties when they looked to be a possible terrorist.

The terrorist's investigating intentions haven't got Mao written all over them; he's done more damage in 72 hours than Con did in 5 years. Without him, that airliner went down in my country. It was no accident. I need to get to that crash site and prove it. The CIO data shows that it was a flight out of Covia Bound for SOI; it lost contact in this region.

That's all I need; you'll have to get there before the authorities arrive. It's not the authorities I'm worried about. Good luck, PH, Crash site over the ridge. Shumak, somebody beat us here. The Russian PMC's con group, Macarov, will blame us for this too. We need to find out what happened on that flight.

Show the world that it wasn't us. I won't have them call us terrorists again. What are you doing going down there far? There are at least 20 guns in that area. What do you need for me? OverWatch Take some high ground and cover me. Yes, ma'am, you in position, AER, have eyes on multiple con squads looking at the wreckage; it looks like they're securing the site.

The Ulf didn't do this; we need to find anything we can to prove it. Mell ran a tracer to lasso signals in the area so we could locate passenger cell phones and track down the flight recorder copy on the move. I see you, six. I'll relay what I see from here. Good shot, Kilo; no issues. You're clear to proceed; these men are not welcome in my country.

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Let him know I intend to. Those who keep scrap and debris in your area might find something around there; copy that. 31 Alex I found a cell phone; let's hope its useful article is shaky, and passengers are scared some sheling in Arabic, that's all that. It looks like you're in the clear. For now, watch your step C.

You still have a few soldiers outside. Don't let your guard down. Mao's men will die here, with his victims getting what they deserve if only we could kill them all. Copy Alex I found another one. What do you see? I see a woman with a gun and a lot of fresh debris in your area. Wow, she's one of my soldiers.

Sure, yes, she would never do this. This is my brother, I hope, so let's see what else you can do. Be careful i see my soldier in a vest. This doesn't make sense. A gun is now a vest. She looks afraid; she doesn't want to do this. We both know the world won't see it that way. Marov wants the world to see this.

We can't let them understand. A flight recorder could have some important data. The commander suggests we find a way to clear it; there are already no signals. Searching 31 I found the flight recorder. I'm flying the data. I will not allow Con to tamper with it and frame the Ulf affirmative Fry.

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Kilo, no signals left. We got whatever was on the crash site. Sanitized let's get off the axe. We link up at our info. Point and copy that, Commander. Now what's next? We need to find where those con came from and where they're headed. I want you to hit them. Do not engage unless absolutely necessary.

I'll keep my distance. Try not to get caught this time. No promises, A former Ulf soldier was wearing a suicide vest on a Russian airliner. She was forced; I'm sure of it. Samara, who was a good fighter, joined my forces during the occupation and left to raise her family. What happened at the crash site was that they were planting evidence to frame us and collecting the rest.

We killed as many as we could and took the phones, and the Black Box wiped it clean. Smart, you stopped Marov from controlling the narrative. If con-operatives were on that plane, they got off somehow. Moving wouldn't leave that loose end. Some people will believe the Ulf was responsible, thanks to you, but no one can prove it.

People will speculate, but you beat Marov at his own game; it's not enough. I sent Alex after Cony if they're in orikan; he'll find their copy when I regroup with 141. Whatever we know, you'll know, and yes, Lawell, I'm sorry about Samara. Brothers, how are you doing, comrade? Better now captain [__]] internationalists security feed from the airport passenger had a boarding pass for flight 761 fake passort or inside job more likely no one stopped him walk in the bloody.

Park D, Marov Far, and Alex, what they get is not enough to prove anything. Gold Eagle to Bravo 6 security confirms gunfire and at least one explosion in the stadium with multiple injuries over copy we're inbound now be advised Marov and his men may still be inside, but if he's there, you bring him out alive.

I told you that the medical first responders would not enter until the scene was clear. The third-floor VIP lounge may be Makarov's next target. Christ Almighty, you said it, son ghost, and I am

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