News - Cinematics At Extreme Graphics. Call Of Duty: Warzone 2. Part 13. Bangla Gameplay


Folks death taxes and me pleasure doing business with you boys and girls, actual Mr. RTB out here. Roger, that shadow—that's some big league work out there. Blue Sky Son, I appreciate the assistance. Shadow, six of all stations that kill are not confirmed. I say again that kill is not confirmed; we need to search the site for p on macarov.

Gold Eagle actual to all stations; your orders are to stand down; we got nothing but fire and brimstone out there, and that's all the confirmation we need; go to one; go for six; it's over. John, we nailed that bastard to hell and are gone. Yeah, that's what we said about your little shadow graves.

Yeah, Mao's dead, Captain. Don't let him live inside your head, eagle. Out, Shepher only sees what he wants: his name on a win, another medal on his chest. What do you say? It's what I don't see. That worries me. If he's alive, they'll let us know where and when. beautiful people Welcome to BL Gaming.

This is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and you are watching almost the end of this game. We owe a debt of gratitude to our task force and to the Ulf for our success against Vladimir Marov and his private army. Much has been said about the Ulf: Farah Kareim and her soldiers are a terror organization.


Farah Kareim is and always has been an ally of the United States and our Western partners in the region. How did Commander Kareem obtain American armor? For nearly a decade, I sent weapons to Commander Kareim to support her missions against alcats and Russian incursions into Ekhan. Were those shipments legal?

In order to save lives, I commissioned illegal shipments with funds I approved. quiet, please, General Shephard. In October 2022, did you authorize Shadow Company to fire on a task force under your command in Las Mañas, Mexico? No, I did not, Mr. Grace were you given orders to use lethal force against TF1, 141?

Also read:

Yes, I was quiet in this chamber when I gave you those orders. General Herel Shepard, did you act on those orders, Mr. Graves absolutely not, sir. Quiet [__] me. I stabbed each other in the back, still saving their own skins. Every man is for himself. That's a difference between us and them. We're going to let this stand, boss.


Go take B. The best way to end the war is to win it without prisoners. Definitely subscribe now off life, there's coms from AAR 90. That's his cool sign. What are they doing in London as well? Signals intelligence shows the con's meeting with, known CCTV is, online copy visual radio Check six in position, so load and clear your eyes on the mark.

black hoodie, good check, let's go to work, bravo, get ready to move, so keep a low profile. We lose her; we lose macarov, a solid copy, in just a minute. Perfecto and, obviously, hard, mod lazy Cony may be watching this too. I'll stay under the radar. Solid now press up the gas soap. You're good go get some light smoking.

Johnny Blend it in LT, you say, so targets moving sergeants. If she takes a call or talks to anyone, we need to hear it. So copy what she says. Wait, she's tying her shoe, likely checking if she's being followed. Make yourself look busy. On or Bravo Target's heading into the Pedestrian Tunnel Tunnels, a dead-end good place for con to hide.


I'm not sure we have Metro and SFO ready to mobilize. I say we call him in copy Al stations. Gear up and prepare to breach approximately six on. Route cing off the perimeter with the rest of you. It's clear there is a lock door leading to the old train station at the door, preparing for a breach all right.

I mean, on your signal, Captain, let's get this done. Reaching three, two, one, pushing in left, clear—that's where we're in copy. Find that buyer and get that drive. John contact, clear team one, push downstairs with us, and cop team two will hold position. Offic, clear Watch out; the con bar is down.

Also read:

find that flash drive that got int on our laptop all, right? It was uploaded to the station's train network. Trojan Horse con has control of the trains; there's more face recognition found this; they boarded 10 minutes ago; Marov wants to train full of civilian hostages and victims; that tunnel's 500 feet deep and 30 miles long; there's thousands of people down there at any given time; bravely, he's going to trap the trains and destroy the tunnel; we have no proof of that yet.


Makarov's truck stopped at a crossover platform 20 meters in. I'll have SFO's dispatch a second team. We need all the help we can get. We'll take the service tunnel. Let's move we may already be too late, Density. Follow my orders; let's get on those doors. Yeah, six to Watcher, we are on the X going for Marov solid copy.

Go get him, John. This pass won't go down easy. Yeah, well, now that we have sunshine, hey come.

Hey guys! Today I'll be playing [ Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 ] and in this video I will be showing you Part-13 of this game.
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