News - Chimera Gun Guide. Warzone 2


A basic change to a prolific platform where simple is smooth, smooth is fast, and fast cycles run at 800 rounds per minute. It's. Me I'm back in Call of Duty today, and I have something to show you that logically doesn't belong in the poor family if you squint really hard and work for Activision. I'm six Snipes today, and we're taking a look at a real powerhouse that is the Chimera, and you're watching Gun.

To guide its real-world counterpart, the AAC Honey Badger PDW, a product of the new era of firearms where the word "submachine gun" wasn't good enough, they made a personal defense weapon for functionally identical systems to sell more product as prototypes. Developed and manufactured by Advanced Armaments Corporation, a suppressor designer and former distributor of Gem Tech, in close cooperation with American Special Operations teams in search for what everyone was in the market for by the early 2000s, a replacement for the aging MP5 design at the dawn of the New Age Body Armor, the Kevlar Renaissance was in motion, and pistol caliber weapons were no longer acceptable for battlefield roles where plate carriers and helmets can now negate them with relative ease.


A new class of firearm, with a compact, full-caliber round, was necessary to take on this role until it wasn't, but that's not the point of this article. While not a pure AR-15, the design is lacking in some features, such as a forward assist. The honey badger was developed using an M4A1, upper and lower, with a modified barrel and a detachable suppressor that is often misidentified as an integral The more interesting element is the companion caliber, 300 AAC Blackout, also known as 762x35.

Born from the desire to have a 30 caliber AK-sized round capable of super- and subsonic action based off of a powder load with the same diameter as 556s, to maintain magazine compatibility where the only thing you need to switch out in the AR-15 to make it chamber is the barrel with that level of compatibility, you have to ask why the Chimera isn't in the M4A.


It's a novel design and a functional idea, but the real reason most people have heard of this gun is, to my understanding, based on its appearance in like one Black Ops game where it was completely broken. If you hate the idea, the only success it has now is as an addition to Shooters under non-copyright, vulnerable names like we see here, but how does the chai latte do in Modern Warfare 2 fate of the modern warfare That's an excellent question.

Well, I just got done leveling it from 0 to 18. It did not take long, and I'm going to be honest with you; I am bad. I am consistently negative in most of my games in my better performances, as I am lucky to get a cluster mine off before the end of a match. I need to use Hardline for the cruise missile to even be visible on my kill streak.

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kill streak, menu okay so when I tell you that the largest problem I had with making this article was unironically. With so much good footage. I couldn't fit it all in a five-minute guide, as you would better believe. This is probably the best game I have used, period. I'm not laughing, okay? I'm not blowing in that proportion like I would with other guns because it's all right.

honey badger

I'm done joking, but this is the best gun I have used, and I'm shocked I haven't heard anybody talk about it. I mean, it's not that shocking that in the recently launched Call of Duty on YouTube, the Lego Chima is probably best described as an M4. If you took the range slider and moved it all the way over to close.

Okay, the fire range is absurd; it's very good; in fact, this might shoot faster than anything else I've used in the game yet, but that's not really meaningful until you consider the fact that the recoil is like weapons of mass destruction in Iraq; it doesn't exist. There are a lot of words you could use for this gun.

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Shredder, Blender She's greater, but the way she completely rinses out intensive players, I'd call it a garbage disposal. The fact that you get a suppressor integrated into the barrel this gun comes with at the start is already fantastic, and the fact that without attachments, this already has the recoil of a dual-shot controller is beyond great.


I've never played the free-for-all game mode in my entire life, and on my first match, I called in so many 10s. Gunning runs the air traffic coordination, which, on my part, made Delta Airlines look like a shithole. I didn't kill anyone, though that kill streak sucked. I went down to the hotel and used the super horn from Mario Kart to put the entire enemy team to death, to the point of complete ignorance, on multiple occasions.

I thought I was going to run out, and then some other poor stupid sh*t comes blundering out of nowhere and gets hosed down like a battery firing, so I'm free to drop some cruise sh*t. I still have air, so strike quick. You might wonder what attachments are good for this gun. This gun is so good.

I tried making it worse with a 20-round Nerf clip in the barrel that's somehow shorter than default, and I still killed John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald over here without any issues whatsoever. It went down to the border with payback in mind, and rather than me getting blown up by a car (that didn't happen), I dropped enough cruise missiles to surpass the United States' defense.


I then went into Mexico and figured that when in Rome, in alignment with cultural norms, I started a gang war and shot a bunch of women. This gun is so good that the developers had to make it so that you can't even use the M4 attachments. On it, I had to level some other random ass gun to even get grips for it.

I unlocked the laser slot, and the two lasers I have can't even fit on it, but that doesn't matter because this gun melts people faster than the ultra settings melt your GPU.

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