News - Can Rebirth Island Save Warzone 3

Yes, you're not able to slide cancel as fluidly, and T, reset, does not occur for tactical sprint, so in war zone one, you could slide cancel run like an absolute maniac. You can't do that in War Zone 3, but I actually don't feel like that's the end of the world; you have to use it a little more strategically.

You have to be a little more careful, but the movement is still pretty damn good. I think at the end of the day. War Zone 2 and War Zone 3 have had a huge evolution when it came to perks, movement, and things of that nature, and a lot of people don't want to accept that the game is pretty much where it was when Rebirth Island and Fortune Keep were removed.


When we had that period of time where only Caldera was playable in War Zone 1, the game was in a pretty bad spot. There's just no debating it; millions of players were leaving War Zone and had kind of lost their titles. It's one of the top games of all time, but now we're getting back to it. The game is in a fun spot; it's pretty good, and the only thing that's missing is everybody's favorite map, Rebirth Island.

So really, the title of this article comes down to: Will Rebirth Island be able to save the war zone? The answer is pretty simple. I know you've been on the edge of your seat for this one, maybe contrary to what you thought when you clicked this article. I actually think Rebirth Island can save the war zone.

rebirth coming back

That's because War Zone 3 with all the quality of life changes, as we've touched on, and where the game is now, it's in a pretty fun place where you could play a variety of styles of sniping, honestly coming back into the meta, so to speak, and that was really what War Zone 1 players wanted in War Zone 2: a little bit better movement, some new aspects, like new quality of life changes, new perks, new loadouts, with the familiarity of War Zone 1 in terms of movement feel and pace of the game, and we kind of have all of those now.

The only thing we're missing is iconic guns like the Kar98. Maybe some slight buffs to movement and a little bit less shape for people like mouse and keyboard players, and just general enjoyment and feel of the game, and of course the maps like Rebirth Island and Fance. Now there is going to be a huge problem with this, and I'm going to touch on this in a future article, but for now.

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