News - Campers Dmz. Aaatttttaaaacccckkkk


The last article I put out had almost 700 views. I know that doesn't seem like much compared to a lot of other creators, but it has been by far my highest audience on a article yet, and my subscriptions have more than doubled what I had before, and you guys really came through for me, so again. I cannot thank you enough.

My channel is relatively new, and I'm definitely getting started way later than everyone else did, so any help I get is very much appreciated. Now let's see if we can get this one to be bigger and better than the last one and continue to grow, but to do that, you know the deal: I need likes and subs.

It doesn't cost you anything, but those two activities are worth more than gold to the channel, and it truly does mean the world to me now that the pitiful begging is out of the way. Let's talk about this article. The DMZ landscape has changed drastically since the release of Modern Warfare 3. Everything is PVP now, which I'm absolutely loving.

One of the biggest things most recently is the ability for players to duplicate items in their backpacks. They could copy three plate vests, kill streaks, skeleton keys, large backpacks, pretty much anything they can hold in their bags. The developers recently removed the disguise from the game to prevent the ability to duplicate things.

This tells me The developers haven't just washed their hands of the game yet, which leaves me hoping for a bright future. I don't expect anything soon, but I do hope the game moves forward. Heck, I absolutely loved the night mode back in Halloween. I didn't care about the Halloween stuff, but the game just felt so much different in the night sky.

Back then. I was hoping they would have kept the night version available as an option to play, or maybe in a revolving lobster like they were doing in War Zone in this game I spawned in by myself with two randoms. Yeah. I know you never really know what you're going to get from teammates doing it this way, but most of the time it's not so bad that teammates that are better than me push me to be a better player just by me trying to keep up with them, and when I get players that are worse than me.

I find myself taking more chances than I normally would, which usually doesn't work out very well, but I think I learn and grow from it, so I'm okay with that too. I've also met a lot of new players, and we've become friends, and I play with them from time to time, so for me, doing it this way is mostly a win-win.

In this case, I actually got a pretty decent team; they had a similar play style as I did, and they wanted to push teams. We had a small fight in the beginning that wasn't much fun to watch, so I pretty much pushed through it, but the second fight, however, was an absolute barn burner. In this fight, we actually started as a third party, meaning we started to engage a team that was already fighting another team.

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We didn't know it at the time, but we figured it out pretty quick, and by then we were already committed. I guess because this team was pinched between two teams, they were held up in a two-story house and had no choice but to camp. In their minds, I guess that was the only way they were going to survive.

Once we engaged this team, the third team that was closer to the quarry stopped their attack and backed off. I figured they did want our smoke; instead, they were just waiting for more opportune time to get back into the fight, which for me at the absolute worst time for us, my two teammates both went down and left me fighting a camping team alone, not to mention the other looming team waiting and watching close by.

You have to watch this entire fight because so much happened as fast as usual. The ending was so unpredictable, even to the point that just when you thought it was over, it's like a round-three fight; this one was a lot of fun. DMZ is by far the best shooter I've ever played, and I really hope the developers pull their heads out of it and continue to work on it.

I'm over Call of Duty in general, but DMZ will keep me in their ecosystem for as long as they develop it. I meet more and more people every day who seem to feel the same way. How do you feel about it? I love hearing people's opinions. Anyway, enjoy my skirmish. Now on to the comments. Let's get this: here, yep, okay, they're going to be Hing down right now, Spot got HTI reinforcing he's back up two in the window.

Come on, peek your head. I know you want to come on. Yeah, right there he is. I'm about to push the button. I don't know what you think. Yeah, as well. We need to wait to push until he downs another one, then that's fine. There's a sentry gun as well. That's not good. Imagine they're on top on the second floor; they're literally in that corner, but up top copy, like literally on the green ping, yeah, ult one squad is down, and you are taking effective fire.

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I wish I wish I could wall [ __ ] God damn it, I can't get them through the wall. You guys are both down. Yeah, they're just hiding in corners, and their spawn is a weird way to ultra-heads up; we're seeing a squad of operators near you.

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This video shows a 3 team battle in Al Mazrah in DMZ. The middle team was camping in a house in a staircase. Flushing them out is a real challenge. Watch us work on it.
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