News - Call Of Duty: Warzone 2i - Blood Effects And Character Responses


Hey folks, Valentine the Mad is here, and today we'll be looking at the blood effects and the character responses in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Going into the SP campaign, there were three questions. Mission like the gunship one in Last Sad we do, and I do have a article out on that one. That is what this article is.

As for the animations, it is largely very basic stuff, so response animations and death animations, but no really advanced, so to speak, behaviors; no enemies shooting you from the ground or down in a disabled state only in a cut scene. The cool thing perhaps is the takedowns, but with the very poor to practically non-existent response on the body damage and the blood spilling, yeah, even the animation isn't.

Redeemer, all right, in conclusion, we've G from a largely decent system in MW 2019 definitely required some improvement but was generally good to a downgrade in code 2022, and now well, we do have remains first up bird Gore, those are objectively there, and we have the remains of the Gore system of MW 2019, just

Also read:
A look at the blood effects, character responses, and bird gore in Call of Duty Modern Warfare III Sledgehammer Games. Game's site.
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