News - Call Of Duty Activision Are Liars. Warzone 2

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Ladies and gentlemen, this is Rick, and I just woke up, so I apologize if I sound like a little baby, you know what, but today we're going to be talking about something that I have continued to understand and see a lot clearer, and with Activision talking about skill-based matchmaking just the other day.

I don't know what we need to do, guys, but something needs to happen. Man So, as you guys don't know, Activision finally spoke about skill-based matchmaking. I believe it was a month or so ago, and they told us that more was going to come within season 1. Well, we were waiting for quite a bit. Time season 1 has been here for a while, and it took him until about.

I don't know, the last week or so of Season 1 to actually talk about it again, and they slowly released it out there in the public in a blog or whatever the hell it was, and it was like, at the most perfect time, wasn't it season 1 skill-based matchmaking talk? Boom, there it was, and out of nowhere, here comes all the season 2 content ranked.

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Resurgence blah all this stuff at the same time to try to hide what this was, try to put it under the rug, that's not going to happen. I don't know about you guys, but this is one of the most important things within the Call of Duty community: skill-based matchmaking. And just the enjoyable experience while playing Call of Duty, but of course, they are trying to put a little cover on our face, trying to make us not be able to hear anything on it so we don't hear anything.

They don't want us to talk about this, but we're not going to let that happen; we're actually going to talk about it, so here we go. The number one thing that pissed me off was the number one thing that made me think and continue to push myself: the conclusion that Activision is a bunch of rats and a bunch of money.

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They're trying to tell me about skill-based matchmaking and their matchmaking process. Based on ping number one, ping was the number one thing most important to them when they said that. I don't know what to tell you. A [__] joke is nothing but a joke. I am at I am having the best-speed internet in the world.


I have 800 to 1, 000 download speeds. I have over 200 upload speeds. I am paying great money for this, and I have a great game. I have 10 latency at the top left; it's around there; 10 or 11 is the lowest I can go; that's what it says on the top left; everything's going perfect. everything's great two or three games as I start my Call of Duty playing time that night, everything goes great.

I have great games, and after that, I know where I'm at: 80, 90, 100, to almost 200. Pinging to find a lobster takes minutes to find a game, and it takes minutes to get a party set up and be able to put me into a game so I can actually move around instead of sitting in this stupid ass little lobster section where it's confusing as [__].

That's where I know this is: [ __ ]. Because they are full of it, they have continued to be full of it, and they continue to lie to our faces when they say that that's the number one thing that's [__]. We all know it's about skill; we all know it's about performance. I don't know how it is what it is, but I know there is.

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Then they go and talk about how skins don't make you have less skill-based matchmaking, or how when you do better, your damage doesn't fall off, or that your guns tell me why an MCW can kill someone within three to four bullets, and then the same gunfight within the same game as I continue to do better doesn't kill him within three to four bullets.

The man eats like a juggernaut. Explain to me why that happens, but they're going to say, Nope, that's not a thing. That is not a thing. What are you talking about, Rick? That's not a thing. What get out of my face with this lying ass, [__]. I have been sick and tired of these lies. I'm telling you, ladies and gentlemen.

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I was playing Rainbow Six Siege last night with my friends, and I am having so much fun on that game. It is scaring me it is scaring me because I cannot become a full-time Rainbow Six Siege player. I am not good enough yet, but when I start getting kills, when I start learning the maps, and when I start learning the gunplay and getting better with my aim.


I start having more fun. I start having more fun whereas in this game it's the same. Over and over and over again, the same maps brought back to us the same guns with just different names and the same game modes. Shipman, we need Shipman back. What are we going to do differently? Season 2's coming up, and I'm excited for it.

We got three new maps, and we got a bunch of new [__]. We're going to try it out, we're going to have some fun, and we got rank revival. I don't know why they're bringing Fortun's back. Just bring back Rebirth Island, which made Resurgence what it is today. Bring it back, but we're going to deal with it; we're going to see how it goes, but when I continue to play these games and when I continue to face the sweatiest lobbies because skill-based matchmaking is real and not ping is king.

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I have an issue with it. I have an issue with Activision Lon. I have an issue with all the [__] that they continue to spit at our faces with when all they care about in reality is money. How many operation skins do we buy? How many people buy the battle pass? How many people buy the skins? That's all the reality of it.

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If you think otherwise, I don't know what to tell you. You're brainwashed; you're lost. We need to get you to a doctor. We need to figure it out, but I hope you guys can tell. I'm having a huge issue with how these people are creating this game and what they are going for with it. I'm really eager to hear what you guys have to say.

A quick article on a Saturday I got a lot of stuff going on this weekend, but I needed to get a article off for you guys because, as you guys know, a article is out every single day.

Activision over the past few years have a TERRIBLE Reputation. They continue to lie left and right and it is embarrassing! Stop the lies and just get rid of Skill Based Matchmaking in Call of Duty.
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