News - Black Ops Gulf War Zombies Reveal Event Warzone Imminent, Teasers Already Here (warzone 2 Zombies Ties)

Zombies in multiplayer & warzone updates

Zombies in multiplayer & warzone updates

as you know unfortunately Modern Warfare 3 season 2 is a massive disappointment for zombies fans especially with it being a zombies themed season and whilst this is the case there is a bunch of really awesome zombies content in both the multiplayer as well as the war zone portions of the game and because Modern Warfare 3 zombies is unfortunately a massive disappointment.

With regards to how they're handling the post-launch, it seems like for future updates, it's not really going to be that substantial or interesting. Many of us are just waiting out for Call of Duty 2024: Zombies Black Ops Golf War, the return to round-based, and it seems like we may have a little bit of hope because we may be getting the reveal and marketing a lot earlier than we were previously expecting, and the teasers leading up to some sort of reveal event inside of War Zone might have already started to happen, so like I said, there's been many zombie things added over to multiplayer.


As well as zombies in multiplayer, we have the new hallo mode that we also saw in COD World War II that's essentially just regular Hao with zombies. It's a lot of fun but honestly I've beening trying out these different modes and as a zombies fan who doesn't really play multiplayer, much anymore, it still feels just way too much like a multiplayer experience that's because it is a multiplayer experience than a zombies experience so I think these modes have been created to try and bridge the gap for multiplayer, fans and War Zone fans to then come over to zombies and be interested in Zombies, as opposed to the other way around I think for those fans who just really play Zombies you're not going to want to continue just because of these events you might try out a little bit but at the end of the day it has all of the frustrations that come with a multiplayer, experience, the zombies fans like to get away from and we also have the new war mode map operation tinman.

2024 leaks

That once again has zombies on it, as there'll be dark ether gas later on. There's even an Easter egg to get the ray gun on this map. There was a lot of fun there, and since moving over to the war zone, we've recently had fortunes keep added, or should I say readded. Now, according to reports, it might not be coming to zombies, unfortunately, and this is just so frustrating.

I really don't know why both Fortune's Keepers are getting zombies and multiplayers are getting zombies, yet apparently Fortune's Keep is not coming over to the main zombie mode, and apparently we're not going to be seeing any sort of zombie experience in Modern Warfare 3 zombies. I'm wondering if they're just saving that for COD 2024, zombies, because they have a lot of the assets and stuff like that, considering they have zombie spawns already working in multiplayer.

2024 zombies

I know it requires more work than that, but you can understand what I'm saying. They kind of have some of the foundations, at least now, but fortunes keep saying there's a bunch of Easter eggs, and this is awesome. There's literally so much High Moon Studios who work on this map have done a Phenom Al job, and I really wish that zombies got all of these Easter eggs as well.

We could have so many new Easter eggs, but somehow. War Zone's getting more Easter eggs than the actual Zombies mode nowadays, even though that's what zombies are known for, so yeah, there's many Easter eggs on Fortune's keep to get the Wonder WF to get the ray gun and so many other things, and of course we have the zombie powerups currently spawning, and there is the eradication.

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Contract as well that will spawn in a zombie nest, and once again there'll be zombies that spawn in, and even the original Fortunes C did have a little zombie Easter egg on it that's not present on this new version, but there is a reference note to it now regarding Fortune's Keep. There's been some kind of earthquake that's gone through the map, and now it turns out it wasn't actually an earthquake; it was Connie Ma's Russian Ultra nationalists that were doing explosions for some kind of experiment, and that caused all of these cracks to occur in the islands.

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Now I assume that's why zombies are now here. Maybe Connie has been experimenting with zombies or something like that, but anyway, this is just a big recap.

Cod 2024 zombies reveal teasers appearing in warzone already

Cod 2024 zombies reveal teasers appearing in warzone already

The point of this article and what I want to talk about today is mainly regarding zakhan in the war zone, because since the launch of Modern Warfare 3 zombies, we have discovered a bunch of different bunkers around the map. Of course, we had bunkers in Al Maasra as well as the dance, and currently all of these bunkers are still closed within the Zombies mode for some reason, but inside War Zone, they have started to open up some of the bunkers, particularly bunker 5, which's located right slap bang in the middle of the map by Oldtown.

black ops 5

If you make your way down into the bunker, it's fully open; there's nothing you need to do to go inside, and you will see that there's a bunch of test tubes that are holding zombies within that are being experimented on and monitored. There's no sort of special loot within this bunker or anything like that, but there is a further stage to the bunker that's currently closed off that I'm sure will be opened up in the future, and right now there's still, like I said, a bunch of other bunkers on the map that are still not open, so I wonder what secrets will be in them.

But this. I think, is the beginning of teasers for Black Ops Golf War because I feel like there's probably going to be a reveal event inside of War Zone again leading up to it, considering the fact that we literally have zombies being experimented on within these tubes. Inside the War Zone, this has to be building into something in the future as more and more bunkers open and more Easter eggs are added.

black ops 5 zombies

I think this is just the beginning, and maybe because apparently a lot of the developers have moved off of Modern Warfare 3 zombies from track at least to then work on Gulf War zombies and finish that up, maybe they're going to be starting the marketing for this game a lot sooner than usual, but zombies being inside of the bunk has to be for some sort of storyline reason that has to then tie into surely the Gul War zombies reveal event because right now, like I said, they're not even open inside of zombies, so it's possible that in the future, these will be open inside of zombies.

As some sort of Easter egg or something to do with the story line there, but considering the fact that they've only opened up inside of the war zone and not the Zombies mode itself leads me to believe that this surely has to be tying into go-war zombies for some sort of reveal event, and this is a slow build leading up to it just like we got with the Cold War reveal event, although it wasn't particularly about zombies per se.

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Black Ops Gulf War Zombies Reveal Event in Warzone imminent, teasers already here! MW3 Zombies ties. In this video well be discussing some recent leaks for COD 2024 Zombies with two launch maps, one seemingly being on an Islandboat, as well as a city map that could be in West Virginia andor a TranZit remake with the infamous Jet Gun Wonder Weapon seemingly also returning in COD 2024 Zombies.
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