News - Best Warzone 2 Settings For High Fps: Ultimate Warzone 2 Optimization Guide. New Update

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2, 2.0, or whatever the shit you want to call this shite broken ass stupid ass shite game, ladies and gentlemen, they have now copied their config file for the first war zone. They basically made their config file on your system exactly the same as the first war zone, or you need to half your cause, and I'm going to prove this to you right now.

Let me just show you this all right, ladies and gentlemen. As you can see, I'm in my game right now, and I'm just hovering over to restart the shader optimization. As you can see, I'm doing 120 to 124 as a max FPS. In, the game with certain types of settings that I have applied in my game just to make my game look a little bit better, and I'll actually just go over it and show you what settings I'm using, and as you can see, 124 was the max FPS that I just hit, and I'm going to show you what I did with my game to just show you what's happening with this game right now, so as you can see, this is the setting I'm using right now at this very moment, which is Fidelity FX cache, and I have it on normal.

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high, and then the rest is short and low okay now I'm going to physically go out of the game and then go ahead and half my course because a day ago or a few days ago it was when you had to put your physical cores inside your file your config file okay now this is just really shit and it's becoming really stupid that we have to do all of these things for this to work for us and, it's becoming shit ridiculous okay so I'm just going to show this to you quickly, so I'm just going to open up my config file.

I'm going to open up my config file and just show you this: you go to the documents for Call of Duty players, you go to this file over here, all right. I have an eight-core, eight-thread CPU; it's a 9700k. Intel i7, right, so you had to put your physical cores inside you to do the best FPS. This was about a week ago, two weeks ago; go check my articles, and then you saved it, went out, and got the best FPS possible.

best warzone 2 settings

Inside the game right now at this very moment you need to go ahead and go into your config file and go ahead and change it to half the course of your CPU, so if you have four you put two there, if you have six you put three there, if you have eight you put four there. If you have 12 and you put six there, this is how it's going to work, and you're going to use half the power of your CPU.

Now that this actually does work, I don't even know what Call of Duty is trying to do or what they're doing now. Call of Duty is not going to tell you this; they're just not going to tell you, but it physically does work now, ladies and gentlemen. You can see what FPS I'm doing with my rendered work account at my total course, which is eight now that I've put it at four, and I'm going to show you what FPS I'm doing with this right now at this very moment.

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All right, ladies and gentlemen. As you can see, I'm in my game right now, and as you can see, I'm playing at 140. 124 is the max FPS I did with my total cores in my config file; so. Call of Duty has now taken the little config file in the first Call of Duty and made it exactly the same for Number Two for war zones, so the first war zone config file is exactly the same as the new one.

best warzone 2 settings pc

Now, I haven't changed any settings, and I'll show this to you and prove to you that it didn't change anything to get more FPS. The only thing I changed was the renderer's work account. I went to go in on half the rendered work account, Ladies and Gentlemen, and something that plays a very big role with these settings that I just changed right now is no.

I'm not going to make this article a half hour to an hour long to an hour long because these people are recording articles that are a half hour to an hour long at this very moment just to explain to people what's going on with this shitgame right now because the developers don't even know what they're doing themselves, and it's becoming really ridiculous that we have to jump through hoops to be able to make this game playable.

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Run correctly, all right, so you're going to right-click on a desktop if you are an Nvidia user like me. You're going to open up an Nvidia control panel and open this up, and then go over here where it says adjust image settings with preview use, the advanced 3D image settings, and click on take me there.

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It's basically just going to take you to manage 3D settings now. What you're going to do is pause this article. On my article, pause it and copy these settings as they are right now: here and right now. These are the best Nvidia control panel settings you can use with the settings that they shitup in this game right now at this very moment with halfing your calls and all this beautiful nonsense.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, I just want to clarify whether this is okay or not. Leave a comment saying, "Why do you have this on?" Why have you turned this off? Why do you have this on? Why have you turned this off? Why is this allowed? Why is this performance so good? Why is this? I don't have time for it anymore.

best wz2 settings for high fps

This game is becoming irritating; it's getting to the point where I'm just getting so shitfaced frustrated that I want to uninstall it. I'm shit done shit; you shit you. You shit, you shit, you shit, you shit, you, I'm done. I'm done with your sh*t game. I'm done this is crap. There are people uninstalling this game and rather playing other shitgames that actually do work correctly without jumping through shite hoops and doing settings changes and stuff like that.

What happened to Call of Duty, where you just downloaded the game and sh*t played it? There is no more nothing like that; it's now that you need to shitdo this and that and do this and that. Wash your PC's motherboard, plug it back in, and you'll do more FBS. That's what it's getting to, ladies and gentlemen, and it's becoming very annoying.

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Day I have to change settings, because the developers don't know what they're doing and they don't know what they want to do, so it's becoming very frustrating. Copy these settings for your shitcourse, ladies. And, gentlemen, if this worked for you, leave a like. That's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to make this article short, sweet, and simple.

best wz2 settings pc

I'm not going to make them long anymore because I'm very tired and I'm getting to the point where it's just a shitshow of frustration. Just me, I can't see the point of this game anymore, like, because it's just a bunch of shite. This game is literally a dog turd wrapped in gold shitstickers. I'm tired i'm tired of making FPS boost guide articles on a daily basis because developers don't know what they're doing.

Okay, I can't. Turn off your new year, and as always, I'll be covering this shite on a daily basis.

BEST PC Settings for Warzone 2 Right Now With The New Update That Broke The Game, To Boost FPSFix Stutterfix Gameplay 25 Fps Boost. Everything You Need Know! Everything You Need To Do To Have The Best FPS. In This Video I Show People How To Boost Fps To Its Best Setting, I Show The FPS On The Top Left Coner Of My Screen, Not Just Talking About FPS But Showing The FPS That You Will Be Getting.
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