News - Best Unlimited Souls Glitch Warzone. Warzone Fastest Souls Method/glitch The Haunting Event

best unlimited souls glitch in fastest souls methodglitch in the haunting event

Best and fastest way to get souls in the Modern Warfare 2 event with these methods SLG glitches: You're going to be getting around 16 souls every few minutes, and you're going to be able to get to 2, 000 souls in no time because of that camo that's coming out on the 24th. I would have to assume it's going to be probably around 2, 000 souls.

So grind them out right now, so when it comes out, you can get it right away. Check it out. After this article, I'm going to go through a list of the methods that I have used. The first one is going to be on Zombie Royale. This one is my favorite, and you will be getting a lot of XP for it as well, which is great, but all you do is go into Zombie Royale.

max souls glitch in

Then as soon as you spawn in you want to just drop in then turn towards the warning barrier and simply die from the warning barrier you're going to spawn back as a zombie and you want to go to the middle of this map then just go underneath the middle of the map into the destroyed area and there will be an absurd amount of chests down here which will have souls in them all you want to do is loot and grab the souls you won't die from the gas because you're a zombie, and it won't take long to get these souls after you do it for a few times, then you will realize you know where every chest is and you'll be able to speedrun this and get these souls within like 2 minutes it is incredibly fast once you guys have all your souls simply leave the game you don't have to finish out the whole game you can leave it then you will see you're going to get the souls now you want to rinse and repeat go back into zombie Royale simply just go into the warning barrier then you're going to spawn back as a zombie, and you guys can get the souls, leave game do that over and over and over and over and don't stop and get yourself 2, 000 souls to be prepared for the camo that's coming out on the 24th Now, sadly, you can't just load up into Elmazar.

the haunting best souls glitch

Only with zombie Royale will you be forced to load up into Von Dead at some point, and the best way to do this for Von Dead is to just kind of go outside the storm. There isn't a particular place that you should go; it's not like El Mazra, where there is this one place with a ton of chests. You should be able to find chests with the souls located basically everywhere, so when you have this on Von Dead, just simply go outside.

Into the Storm, just like you did with El Mazra, run around, go into buildings, and just open as many crates as you can so you guys can get those souls. And just like with El Mazra, once you get the maximum number of souls, you want to leave the game, and then rinse and repeat this until you guys get 8, 000 souls—whatever number of souls you want to get.

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So anyway, let's move on to the next one. I'm going to show you guys a cool little XP glitch with it. This one is on lockdown. But before we go into lockdown, just make sure you guys get a Decked Out class so you guys can get your souls easier. Then, when you're in the game, you want to simply take out all of the enemies and get your 16 souls.

warzone best souls method in the haunting

This one you need a bit of skill, since you know the other one you're just looting, but this one you're killing. When you are trying to kill players, if you see any of these ghosts, you guys can shoot them and get souls. That way, if you see any legendary chests, you're going to get one soul out of them, but after you get your 16 souls, you want to leave the game just like you did with the last method, and simply keep on Rin and reap this now.

warzone fastest souls glitch

If you want to turn this into an XP glitch, all you want to do is put a decoy on your class, then go back into the same mode and lock down. Now you want to throw your decoys. Where the flags are at and you're going to get 500. XP for every time that the decoy is next to a player and it's going to give you another 500 XP for that player after just a few seconds now if you have double XP on a th000, per time it's next to a player once you guys are done running out of decoys you want to simply just pick up a munition box which there is going to be munition boxes located all around the map on the ground in Supply crates literally, you won't run out of munition boxes super easy then once you guys run out the decoys one again get a munition box and just keep on rinse and repeating that keep on throwing decoys where there are players and you're going to get a absurd amount of XP so now let's move on to the last method to get your souls, this one right here is simp simply in shipment play shipment if you want to these games don't last for that long and now you do have to completely finish the match after you get your souls It's not like the first two glitches I showed you, where you guys can leave and just rejoin.

So yeah, just keep that in mind with this multiplayer method in shipment, so there's that here are all the best ways to get souls, and there are some XP Glitches with them.

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