News - Best Pc Settings For Warzone Season 2. Optimize Fps & Visibility

warzone config file

From the internet while we're playing Just why would you ever want to do that just make sure that's off and then the last one in this little section is local texture streaming quality which you also want to make sure is on low, it just doesn't do a huge amount in terms of visual Fidelity and it does gain you a nice little bit of FPS for shadow and lighting Shadow quality is very much like texture quality from earlier we're not going to put it to the lowest one because the Shadows look like ass we're going to turn it up by one which is going to give you much nicer crisper looking Shadows for a very small performance loss but it's definitely worth it screens Bas shadows and ambient occlusion, are basically two different kinds of Shadows that we don't want, screen space Shadows are Shadows on your character on your gun as you're moving around just unnecessary.

And the same thing goes for ambient occlusion. It's going to make these areas where objects are meeting and getting close it's going to make them just a little bit brighter, which is actually going to be handy for overall visibility in the game. Then, screen space reflections. Make sure that these are off.

warzone fps boost

It's going to get rid of those nice reflections. I know, but there's no competitive advantage to be gained from them anyway, so we can just turn them off for better performance, gain, and then static reflection quality. This goes hand in hand with the previous one; we're just going to turn it right the way down, and then for environment tessellation.

This just basically makes a lot of these areas of the ground and certain bits of the map look a little bit more realistic, but we don't really care about it, so we're going to keep it off volumetric quality. It helps out with making these sun rays look really bright, and in your face, very nice for a cinematic look, but not good for a competitive advantage, absolutely.

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It kills your performance, so make sure that this is turned all the way down, and then these last three settings here are deferred physics, weather grid volume, and water quality. All of these things we want to turn off are basically going to limit all of the resources that are being put into things like weather.

warzone graphics settings

Things like water on the map, how the waves look, and things like that are once again things we do not care about, so we need to make sure they're off, and then finally, for the view tab field of view, if you're on a mouse and keyboard. I would just recommend you keep this at 120, because having the maximum amount of field of view is always going to be a good competitive advantage.

You're just going to be able to see if an enemy comes in from your peripherals, far quicker than if you're on something like 100, where you've just lost so much of that potential information, however, if you're playing on a controller. You can actually get a little bit of an advantage from dropping this down to something like 110, purely because it seems like it basically increases the size of any player models on your screen, which therefore allows aim assist to kick in that little bit stronger.

warzone increase visibility

On that larger target, if you don't believe me, there are plenty of articles out there explaining this EX thing. Try it out, and you'll probably find that you land more of your shots, but I am a filthy mouse and keyboard player, so I'm going to stick with 120. Ads field of view make sure this is on affected, if you set this to Independent you're going to zoom in really far when you ads basically the fov we set up here is not going to have any effect we want that to have an effect so that when we're shooting down our site number one we get less visual recoil because we're not so zoomed in but also we still maintain a lot of information in our peripherals as we're firing, weapon field of view is kind of personal preference but I like wide it just brings my gun a little bit further away from my character makes me feel a lot less claustrophobic, while I'm playing but it's honestly personal preference third person field of view we haven't had third person still, since the release of this game so it doesn't do anything so but i' turn it up all the way just because when we do get it I want the Max, and vehicle field of view definitely put this on wide, that way when we get in a vehicle we once again get as much information around us as possible and we're not zoomed in really far to the car for the camera section.

warzone season 2 settings

Last few things in here World motion blur and weapon motion blur both of these need to be off we hate motion blur it will make it very hard to play the game film grain is the same thing we need to make sure that this is set to zero so that we're not applying a cinematic filter over our game, first and third person camera movements turn them both down to the lowest options, that way we'll get as little screen Shake as possible in game third person, ads transition doesn't matter set it to whatever you want spectator camera make sure that this is set to game perspective this way if you die and then you jump into one of your friends or teammates perspectives, you're not going to be on that weird head camera on the side you're going to be able to be in exactly their.

warzone settings for max fps

Game perspective: as if you were playing as them. If you understand what I mean, this helmet camera stinks; I would never use it, and then the last one here is an inverted flashbang. A little bit of a fun option here: if you turn this on, it's going to make it so flashbangs, instead of being very white and bright, which might cause headaches or might just cause your eyes to go a bit glary when you get flashbangs in the game, it's going to make them actually make your screen go black.

I personally keep this off because if my screen suddenly went black and I was playing on PC, I would assume that my game had crashed, especially with how much this game crashes. But it's a bit of a personal preference. I would recommend you try it out and see if you like it first before assuming that you don't, but I'm going to keep it off.

As I mentioned at the start of the article, all of the details regarding the config files and how you set them up for the best FPS, as well as window settings, are covered in my season 1 reloaded article, which I'm just going to link over here, so I'd recommend you go and watch that next because nothing has changed for those parts since then.

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